Chapter five The stranger follows

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I am walking to John's car from the airport. I feel like someone is following me. I turn around and see the same boy from the plane. I start to walk a little faster. My mom thinks its a game. This is perfect. We kept going faster and faster into a run. They boy stopped but I got curious. I couldn't
put my finger on it, but he seemed really familiar. He looked like someone I lost a long time ago, Briden. I need to talk to the stranger.
Me: We need to talk
Stranger: Anything for you beautiful.
Me: Are you following me?
Stranger: So I see you have met my friend.
Me: What is his name
Stranger: Can't say.
Me: (nervously) Well... I want to meet him.
Stranger: About time. He needs some love.
Me: What! You are so confusing. First you are sure we are in love, but are willing to give me up!
Stranger: Yep. He will see you at the beach tomorrow. Wear you bathing suit. Haha
Me: Ok but I wear what I want.
Stranger: Deal
I am so nervous about meeting him. I mean the last time I was on a date it ended badly. It was with Briden. Briden was a bad boy. I remember going to a date at a party. My mom told me he got in a fight and in the process I got a severe concussion. The result is I basically forgot what he looked like. I can only remember his eyes. Green and blue orbs that sparkle like diamonds. Anyways, u arrive at the beach and see the boy. We meet up and introduce each other. "Hey my name is Briden." "Sophia, so um.. you know the guy who is texting me."
Briden: "Let's not worry about that now. Let's have fun!" We talked for a while before we got hot and went for a swim. Suddenly there was some party boat not paying attention causing many waves. They were so strong I went under and stayed there until Briden grabbed me and pulled me up. I looked into his eyes and he reminded me of someone. Someone special, someone I loved. "Briden?" I whispered "Is it really you?" "Yes baby it's me." "Oh my gosh I missed you so much! I never should have let you go." "I know baby, it's ok." Then we kissed, lips firmly pressing to mine. Everything else in the world stopped. It was just me and him. Ding ding. Crap, my phone. It's Mom, she needs me back at home. "Well talk about the stranger later ok?" "Alright. Do you have to leave now?" Briden whined. "Yes, bye." and I left without another word. I'm so awkward.

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