Hard Questions

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"I am going to be completely honest here, from a legal stand point you don't have much of a leg to stand on in terms of having the upper hand in custodial rights." Steve had a friend that was a family lawyer who offered to help them explore their legal options before they made any moves regarding custody of Sophie.

"There has to be some form of family law that would establish us at the custodial parents. If we've raised her almost since birth and have an adoptive birth certificate shouldn't that give us some form of parental rights?" Steve asked, his tone verging on desperation. Larry sighed looking over the adoptive paper work and birth certificate they brought with them. The adoptive birth certificate showed that "Sophie Marie Collins" was born May 10, 2022 in Danbury Connecticut. The spaces for biological parent's names were left blank which was very unusual for an adoptive birth certificate unless the child was abandoned. He was quiet and sifted through more of the paper work. There were just so many inconsistencies in the filing that he was having trouble formulating a concrete case in their favor off the top of his head.

"I never asked you guys this before because it wasn't my place but if you want me to help you keep Sophie, you're going to have to come 100% clean to me in every excruciating detail about how Sophie originally came into your care."

Carol visibly bristled at his questioning and distractedly pulled at the lint on her sweater while looking at Steve to offer his opinion on whether or not they should willingly share their story. No one had ever asked them for the exact details of Sophie's adoption, it had always just been accepted that they found a baby girl to call their own and that was that no further questions needed.

"You cannot tip-toe around the truth, believe me the Alwyns have an air-tight case that they are the rightful custodial parents of Sophie. Not only that, they can absolutely get the book thrown at you for kidnapping and custodial interference."

Steve finally took a deep breath and began his story about their agonized path to parenthood. When he was finished his story all Larry could do was lean forward on his desk with his head in his hands.

"Jesus Christ... you guys have really given me a barrel full of shit to work with. I'm going to have a lot of thinking to do before I can think of a strategy to spin this in your favor." After pausing to think for another minute, he looked up at Carol and Steve again.

"In the mean time I strongly suggest you start playing nice with the Alwyns, when I say that I mean that you have to stop blocking their visits. Let Sophie see them once in a while you know soften them up a bit. They aren't ogres it won't kill you to let them spend time with her, plus it makes her happy so what's the problem?"

"If it will keep them out of our lives for good then we'll think about it." Carol said briskly standing up to leaving dragging Steve after her. In the elevator Steve and Carol argued about what to do next. Steve was still against any type of visitation while Carol was beginning to see Larry's point of view. When they got home Steve phoned Joe and told him they were permitted to spend time with Sophie without their supervision as long as they didn't leave the state with her. At first Joe was angry that the Collins were still setting demands but he agreed to go along with what they wanted just so they could spend time with Sophie without interference for once. Not wanting to give them a chance to change their minds he asked that they have Sophie overnight the following day. Carol loudly protested but backed down after Steve shot her a warning look.

"Can I talk to my daughter now please?" Joe asked making sure to let Steve know he was still unhappy with them overall. Steve rolled his eyes and called Sophie over to the phone.

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