Causing a Ruckus

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Taylor took a step back in shock, her hand going to the side of her face where Carol had slapped her.

"Taylor are you okay?" Joe got out of the car running to Taylor to make sure she was wasn't badly hurt. "What the hell is the matter with you?!" He shouted at Carol.

"You had no right to tell Sophie who you think her parents are. You gave up your right to be her parents when you abandoned her!" At this point Carol was yelling so loud that curious neighbors started to peek out their windows or come outside to see what the commotion was. Taylor rubbed her cheek for another second before straightening herself up.

"I'm finished with the niceties, give me my daughter right now, I don't want her anywhere near someone as psycho and violent as you."

"She's my child, you have no right to take her!"

"Fine I'll go in there and get her myself." Taylor pushed past Carol and started making her way up the walkway."

"Don't you dare!" Carol moved to block her path. By now the crowd of onlookers had started gathering. Their worst-case scenario was beginning to come to fruition as people began to recognize Taylor and Joe. Chattering excitedly amongst themselves, camera phones began to light up all around like dozens of glowing eyes.

"I said get out of my way!" Taylor gave a hard sideways shove to get Carol away from her. Carol swung her arm back attempting to take another slap at Taylor, before Joe caught her arm.

"Stop! look let's just make this easier for everyone and just give us Sophie and we can talk about everything later!" Joe tried his best to reason with Carol but he could tell she was too far gone to try to talk any rationality into.

"Over my dead body!" She screamed at him. Suddenly she turned away and started punching numbers into her phone. "Steve! You have to come home quick, the Alwyns are trying to take Sophie!" She said breathlessly into the receiver. "They tried to assault me too, please hurry!"

"If you want to play scare tactics we can do that too, we're not afraid of you or your husband." Joe took out his own phone out and started calling 911. "Hello operator please forward me to the police, I need to report a kidnapping..." Suddenly the front door cracked open and Sophie came outside and stood at the top of the stairs.

"Mommy-Carol, what are you doing? Why are there so many people out here." She said slowly making her way down the steps.

"Sophie, I need you to go back inside now!" Carol ordered trying to shepherd her with one arm while still talking using her hand to talk to Steve on the phone. Taylor saw what may be her only opportunity and seized it. She maneuvered around Carol and scooped Sophie up in her arms hurrying back to their car.

"We're driving to the station now, please be ready for us." Joe said to the 911 operator on the other line as he turned to get into the driver's seat. Carol screamed and kicked at the card door, trying to pry the door open. The onlookers made all kinds of hollering noises and snapped pictures and took videos as Joe floored the car down the street. All of Carol's hysterics coupled with the crush of the crowd made Sophie cry in fear.

"Shhh, you're okay baby just breathe" Taylor held her close and tried to calm her down. Unfortunately, as they pulled up to the police station a barrage of paparazzi were already waiting creating a sea of blinding flashes and shouting voices.

"Make them go away, they're scary" Sophie whimpered burying her face in Taylor's shoulder.

"Joe can you call in again and ask them to escort us in, we can't get through with all of them blocking the entrance." Joe called in and almost right away a team of officers came outside demanding the paparazzi get back far enough for Taylor and Joe to get through. Taylor passed Sophie to Joe before they got out of the car and placed a sweater over her head so no one could try and get a photo of her face.

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