Alwyn vs. Collins

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May 30, 2027

"Today begins one of the most bizarre custody battles we've ever witnessed. Popstar Taylor Swift and her husband actor Joe Alwyn are going to trial to fight for custody of their daughter was abducted as an infant and raised by Steven and Carol Collins who adopted her thinking she had been abandoned. The Alwyns were reunited with the little girl in 2015 but it has been a messy battle with lots of mudslinging and restraining orders tossed around between the two parties. Now both couples are set to have their lawyers present their opening statements in court today. Everybody has an opinion on this-"

"Can you please turn that trash off." Taylor called to Joe from the bathroom where she was fixing her hair and makeup. Joe clicked the TV off, she was right it wasn't healthy to watch any of the coverage of the trial all it did was make them angry and stressed out. Taylor stepped into the bedroom to look at her reflection.

"How do I look... I'm not showing am I? She said turning sideways in the mirror to make sure that there was no detectable baby bump. Just like with her first pregnancy she was very anxious not to let the public know, especially this time around the last thing they needed was to be on bump watched during the trial. She bought a suit and blouse that was a couple of sizes too loose so nothing clung to her abdomen.

"You look beautiful as always." Joe stood up giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You're not looking too bad in that suit yourself." Taylor winked giving him a smile. They were trying their best to lighten the mood and say positive but inside they were fraught with anxiety. Sophie was staying with Andrea for a couple of days while they were working through the beginning of their court case and meeting with their lawyer. She still made a point to facetime them every morning and before bed.

"Good Morning Daddy." Sophie's face appeared on the screen she was eating cereal with her bedhead hair standing up on end.

"Morning love-bug, you being a good girl and listening to Grandma?" He asked unable to contain his smile seeing her wild hair. Sophie nodded rapidly while chewing her breakfast.

"Daddy where are you going? You're dressed fancy."

"Mommy and I are just going to some boring adult stuff, it's not as much fun as staying with Grandma."

"We're going to ride horses after school today."

"You are? That sounds like fun."

"I wish you and mommy could come too, I miss you."

"Aww we miss you too Love but we'll see you soon."

"Okay, I gotta go get ready for school I love you"

"Love you too."


The scene outside of the court house was pure mayhem. Aside from loud news and entertainment reporters there were huge crowds of competing protesters with clashing ideologies loudly trying to have their opinions heard. Half of them were holding signs saying "Adoptive Parents Are Real Parents." and "Fame + Money Doesn't = Family." Taylor and Joe were shaken by how aggressive some of the crowd was against them. The counter protesters loudly shouted support claiming that stolen children belonged with their birth families. Other supporters just called out their support for Taylor and Joe. They exited their car to walk into the court house keeping their heads down and tightly holding each other's hands. The roar of the crowd was near deafening as a team of security and bodyguards surrounded them to keep the crowd at bay so they could get into the building. After passing through security and the metal detectors they were led to a family court room where they were seated with their lawyer while the Collins sat with their own lawyer on the other side of the room.

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