Closing Wounds

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Steve took a deep breath as he pulled into the parking lot of the mental health facility where Carol was institutionalized. Admittedly he had gotten off easy in court and had managed to walk away with only 500 hours of community service. Sometimes he would sit in the parking lot before and after each visit with Carol lost in thought, how did they come to this point? Life had seemed so perfect they were just a normal family minding their own business. In an instant his family had imploded and now he was alone. He loved his wife more than life itself and wanted nothing more than to have her back home so they could pick up the pieces of their lives and move on. When his thoughts went to Sophie his emotions where more complicated. Having children was much more Carol's desire than his, after years of unsuccessful attempts to have a child of their own and many failed adoption leads he was resigned to the idea that it might not be in the cards for them. Carol was desperate and fell into a deep depression when each attempt at motherhood was pulled out of her reach. Then Sophie came into their lives as if some miracle had arrived, she was everything Carol prayed for. The truth was that Steve struggled to bond with the baby from the very beginning. Sophie was slow to warm to Carol as well but she was more patient and was able to win her affections over eventually. Steve was able to accept the distant relationship he had with Sophie for the sake of his wife's happiness. It was only seeing Carol so destroyed over the custody trial that made him continue to fight for Sophie.

Approaching the security check at the entrance of the facility Steve emptied all of his pockets leaving his keys, wallet and all other riff raff items at the front desk in case another psychiatric patient used something as a weapon. Thus far Carol hadn't exhibited any violent behavior to herself or other patients or staff so she was not confined to her room but usually preferred to stay in there on her own volition.

"Hello my love." Steve approached Carol who was sitting by her barred window starting out at the manicured gardens below. She appeared so withdrawn and frail sitting in her pajamas and slippers.

"Hi" She replied turning to look at him with tired eyes.

"Have you gone for a walk yet today? It's beautiful outside it would be nice for you to get some fresh air." Steve offered.

"I don't feel like it." Carol shrugged as if she couldn't care less about what he was saying. Steve sighed in frustration.

"How about counselling, have you attended any of the sessions yet? I know they scheduled a few last week."

"I'm interested in going."

"Carol... look you are going to have to make an effort with what the judge ordered or you will be stuck here for the rest of our lives."

"What does it matter if I'm here forever anyway?" Carol whined pulling her sweater tighter around herself. Steve was growing frustrated but knew there was only one thing he could say to make her snap out of her black hole of despair.

"How will you ever be able to see Sophie again if you never leave this place? If you attend all of the counselling sessions and pass the evaluation then you can get out of here and see our daughter again." This seemed to do the trick and Carol finally turned to look at him.

"Have you heard from her?" She asked hopefully her eyes returning with a spark he hadn't seen in months. Reluctantly shaking his head Steve carefully formed his next response to give her reason to cooperate.

"I haven't... but I know we have a fighting chance to be in her life if you can prove to everyone that you acknowledge that made a mistake and you're sorry for what happened with Maisie and that you're putting in the work to make up for it."

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