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Police officers were called to the school to record an incident report and interview witnesses. Maddy squirmed uncomfortably and was unwilling to tell them what she knew, insisting she had to keep everything a secret.

"Maddy, we are not mad at you and you are not in trouble but there are such things as bad secrets and your secrets with Carol are bad ones so you have to share them with us." Abi knelt down looking straight into Maddy's eyes with her hands on her shoulders.

"Okay..." Maddy said softly shuffling her feet.

Between Abi and the police officers they were able to tease enough information from her to create a disturbing picture of the extent of Carol and Steve's predatory behavior. The thought of them being so close to Sophie and sinking so low as to use a kindergarten aged child to do their bidding made everyone feel ill.

"I'm done with hiding and being diplomatic, I want a restraining order against these lunatics as soon as possible." Taylor said rubbing her temples, her head beginning to pound.

"We can try and get you a 48 hour emergency ordered issued right away since there are children involved there shouldn't be any roadblocks."

"Thank you... Abi I am so sorry for all of this." Taylor started to apologize.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry about... tonight has been a lot, let's all go home and we can talk about it tomorrow." She said giving her a reassuring hug.

The drive home was quiet but they could tell Sophie was incredibly bothered though she didn't say a word. When they parked the car in the driveway of their house she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and bolted past them as soon as they opened the front door. She immediately ran upstairs into her room shutting the door behind her.

"Sophie we need to talk to you!" Joe called out as he and Taylor followed her up the stairs. When they opened the door to her bedroom they found her curled up in the middle of her bed hiding under a blanket.

"Hey you need to come out from under there, this is serious." Taylor said giving her a chance to come out on her own. Slowly she pulled her head out from under the covers still looking deflated.

"You heard what Abi told Maddy about keeping secrets today right?"

Sophie nodded in response, still refusing to look up at either of them.

"That goes for you too, you can't keep secrets from Mommy and I." Joe told her sternly. "Something bad could have happened to you today and if we weren't there were couldn't have helped you because of the secrets you were keeping."

"I'm sorry..." She replied her voice wobbling and her bottom lip quivering. "I don't want to go back to Mommy-Carol and Daddy-Steve. Can I please stay here with you?"

"Oh my gosh honey you are not going back to them! You will only be with us forever and nobody and nothing can change that." The puzzle of Sophie's odd behavior over the last few months began to make sense. Carol and Steve had been sneaking messages through Maddy that they were coming to take her back and Sophie really thought her time with her new family she loved so much was on borrowed time. Taylor and Joe were heartbroken that Sophie would ever think they would leave her but also absolutely furious that Carol and Steve were so willing to manipulate her feelings for their own selfish needs.


The first court hearing Taylor and Joe attended against Carol and Steve was to uphold and make permanent the restraining order that had been issued two months prior.

"Your honor, the behavior displayed by Carol and Steve Collins on January 7th of this year was reckless, predatory and demonstrated the exact reason why Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn need protection against them. They are pose a genuine threat to their family particularly their daughter who they have an unhealthy fixation on." Their lawyer argued in front of the judge.

"I don't disagree that my client's behavior was out of line but it was proven that they didn't do anything illegal. It was merely actions of desperate parents wanting to reconnect with their child. They whole heartedly want to assure you that they pose no threat to the Alwyn family therefore is no need for a restraining order." The Collins lawyer argued back. Both parties refused to look at one another and stared straight ahead at the judge.

"Mr. Green I can't say I am convinced that your clients pose no threat. They sustained a lengthy campaign of coercion with another minor child to gain access to the Alwyn's child, that alone is very disturbing to me." The judge replied, looking over her briefing notes of the case.

"I am extending the no contact order for another twelve months upon then we will reconvene to review the status of the request. I am unsure that there is a need to make the order permanent at this time. I believe everyone needs time to cool off and let cooler heads prevail... until then this case is adjourned."

Taylor and Joe's lawyer assured them that it wasn't a total loss to have their request for a permanent order denied outright since so much could change in 12 months. While he was discussing this with them the Collin's lawyer approached their table.

"Consider yourself notified that my clients will suing for fully custody of Sophie Collins as soon as the restraining order is dropped at the next hearing. So I guess we will be seeing you here again in this very courtroom." 

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