Chapter 5*

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**This chapter is a bit more mature than I usually write so bear that in mind. Sexual content ahead so don't read if that's something that will make you uncomfortable.


With cramped muscles and exhaustion plaguing my every step, I dragged my feet to the BAU break room. I plonked myself down on the grey sofa, abandoning my rucksack on the floor. I still had to shower and change into my professional clothes but I was hoping to get a few minutes rest before I had to start my second job. I felt JJ's eyes on me. She was leaning on the counter whispering into the phone to her husband, Will. She quickly made her excuses and hung up, smiling at me.

"Before you say anything," I began, the weight of my eyelids making my eyes close, "I look like shit."

It was partly true. I was still in my Agent-in-training gear which, on a practical day, consisted of an old pair of leggings and a faded cotton T-shirt. My hair was a mess piled on top of my head and, to add to it all, I had earned myself some nasty bruises. But I felt good —tired, but good.

Some of the other trainees took their outfits overly seriously and took to wearing workout gear which looked like it came out of a dystopian movie. At first, I had found it intimidating but I had quickly proved to everyone, on many occasions, that I had a sharp mind and a sharper tongue to match when I needed to. I had established that I was just as strong as the men. Maybe not physically, but I was smart enough to know how to use their weight against them in a way that would ensure I won.

My time in training had quickly taught me that looks didn't matter. I found it comforting that no one cared if I was pretty or not. Instead, they cared how long I could hold my breath or last under pressure before I cracked. They cared how well I could lie (when it was necessary) how well I could hide and how fast I could run. If Ethan Munroe has taught me anything, it was how to do those last three incredibly well.

"That looks like it hurts," JJ's voice snapped me from my thoughts.

She handed me a bag of frozen peas from the tinny BAU freezer which was always crammed because it was the only one on the entire floor.

Taking out my compact from my rucksack, I took a look at my black eye, "Thanks," I pressed the frozen peas gingerly to the swollen skin, "It was fun though: the practical training always feels more rewarding. And," I added with a hint of pride in my voice, "I won every single time."

JJ grinned proudly, "That's no surprise."

Spencer entered, holding two coffees: one for me and one for JJ.

"Thanks, Spence," JJ took a much-needed sip, before she waved goodbye and, presumably, headed towards the conference room to set up ahead of time.

He handed me my coffee along with a characteristic smile, "Here you go."

I peeled the sticky note off my mug, curious as to what today's drawing was. I giggled at the drawing of a cat in striped pyjamas, sliding it into my rucksack to add to my collection later.

"Thank you," I took a sip of the coffee made just the way Spencer knew I liked it, "Just what I needed."

"Ouch," he gently moved my chin from side to side, assessing the damage and taking a seat beside me, "Everything okay?"

"Yes," I reassured him with a smile, except for the fact that I now have a sister, "How are you?"

"I'm good," he grinned but his smile failed to meet his eyes.

"Your mom?"

He nodded and would have said more had Derek not plonked himself down next to us, "Hello Pretty Lady," he ruffled my curls and I tried not to smile. "Pretty Boy," he nodded in greeting to Spencer.

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