[Chapter 6]

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Chapter 6

I sigh lowering my eyes toward the ground as mom walks back toward us. Gabe steps next to me placing his hands on my arms. I sigh feeling the comfort of his skin on mine but for some reason I want to shake him off. It’s probably because I don’t want Robert to see him touching me. I don’t want Robert to think I don’t still have feelings for him.

Personally, I think that hug shows that I still have plenty of feelings for him.

Mom grins standing next to Robert, “Robert and I want to invite you both to Thanksgiving dinner with us tonight. We made reservations for four at a local restaurant. They know all about Robert and promise secrecy for all of us.”

Gabe turns his head toward me knowing the plans we made from the car. Unfortunately, our plans will never happen now. Mom has to get to know Gabe and tonight is probably the only way she’ll ever get to. I sigh, giving Gabe a sad smile so that he knows I have to agree to what she’s saying.

Gabe nods toward me understanding the gesture as I turn toward mom looking into her eyes. Her fingers have intertwined with Robert’s as she smiles at me. I push all the negative thoughts invading my mind as I force out a nice attempted smile, “That sounds great, mom. What time do we need to be ready?”

She smiles looking down at her watch, “Well, it’ll take me a few hours to get ready and the boys will be ready awfully quickly. The reservations are at seven o’clock and it’s only three thirty. We have a few hours to get ready. Us girls will wear dresses and the boys don’t have to wear a tux but something nice. The restaurant isn’t allowing anything else tonight. They were explanatory about their demands.”

I smile nodding, “I’m sure I can find something to wear tonight. What about you Gabe?”

He smiles nodding his head, “I have just the thing for tonight.”

I nod turning my head back toward mom who smiles before speaking once again, “I think the boys will be done quicker than we will. I think the boys should stay down here and get to know each other. Us girls can go upstairs to get ready. Honestly, I don’t mind the both of you sharing your old room but how about let’s let these boys use separate rooms from us? It will keep some surprise for everything.”

My pulse quickens at the idea of Gabe and Robert hanging out together. The things they could talk about dealing with both myself and mom. Gabe knows nothing about Robert because I didn’t want to tell him too much and seem like there was more to our relationship. I didn’t want Gabe to think anything that I didn’t want him to think on his own about Robert. Some people need to form their own opinion about people.

I turn my head toward Gabe smiling trying to get his own opinion about spending time with Robert. Gabe just smiles pleasantly toward me, “That sounds just fine with me as long as Laura is alright with it.”

I want to mentally groan at his reply because no matter what I say my mother will give me a bad look. Deep inside I don’t want Robert and Gabe socializing. I don’t want that chance that Robert will accidentally slip telling Gabe about our history together.

I shrug my shoulders, “If Robert doesn’t mind than I don’t mind.”

My eyes slip toward Robert knowing that my eyes are pleading with him not to say anything. It’s only a split second that our eyes meet as I can see recognition to my pleads within his blue eyes.

He smiles toward mom but as he turns his head, he directs that signature smirk toward me igniting a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

“That sounds fantastic to me.”

Celebrity Love [Robert Pattinson Story] (Celebrity Crush Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now