Chapter 10: Rough Times

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Today is Match 12th, 2015. My mom isn't home, go figure. I am sitting up in my room thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow is Friday March the 13th. It is my dad's death date. I am always a mess on this day of the year. Tay knows what tomorrow is she usually spends the whole day with me to make sure I'm ok. I had trouble sleeping that night. I kept dreaming of when I got the news of my father's death.  I was devastated, I kept waking up in my own bowl of sweat. I really don't want to go to school today, but when do I ever want to go exactly. I have never really believed in the whole Friday the 13th thing. But, I feel that today is going to be bad. I walked into school feeling exhausted. Tay had this worried look on her face. When she saw me she ran to me and people stared at her. But u don't care I just really needed my best friend to give me a hug.

"Oh my god sweetie let's take a day off don't you think?"

"Yes please I'm so tired. "

Courtney, Sarah, and Paige walked over to see what was going on.

"Oh my gosh Ally ate you ok? What happened?" Sarah demanded.

Tay explained to them what today was because I don't think I could say it without breaking down. What surprised me most was when Paige was the first one to react. "Ok I know what to do. But first we all need to get put of this place." I was kind of glad that they wanted to go away with Tay and I. "Actually I have an idea. Why don't we all go take a road trip to your father's grave?" This was Courtney ' s idea. That was actually a really good idea. I haven't been to his grave for 3 years. I usually just don't leave the house. "Ok that is actually a really good idea." We all got in Paige ' s car  and made a few calls to our parents to tell them our plans. We started driving back to each of our houses to get clothes. It was now 7:45 am so we started driving right away. We had to get to Ohio before midnight to be in his actual death date. I had to admit it I was nervous to go to my dad's grave. I don't think I could keep it together now more or less at his grave. It was now noon and I guess I feel asleep. Tay was sitting next to me looking out the window . I sat up and stretched out my legs.

"Hey sleepy head you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Good, I was just really tired. I didn't sleep to we'll last night."

"That's good that you're feeling better. Are you hungry?"

"Actually I'm starving I haven't eaten since yesterday. "

"Ok, well when you were alseep we stopped and got food. I got your favorite, Tacobell."

"Really? You really got me Tacobell?"

"Yep we all decided that on this road trip were not counting anything me eat."

"Sounds good to me."

I ate my food. It was so yummy. Paige has been driving for a while so I said, "hey Paige do you want to switch for a while?" She agreed and we pulled over at the truck stop. We all went and made a bathroom stop whole we were here.

"It smells so bad in here" Sarah proclaimed.

To be honest it really did smell pretty bad. We got some snacks from the vending machines and got back in the car and started driving again. I was actually excited to drove because it would distract me for a while. While I was driving there weren't many cars out. Most people were at work or in school. I liked being in control and picking the music.

"Hey Ally how far do you think we are?" Courtney questioned.

Since it was about 1 pm already I said, "we have been driving for about 5 hours."

"Thank you I was just curious I won't be that person that asks every second. "

So the song Titanium by David Guetta came on, this is my all time favorite song. It was also Tay's favorite too. We looked at each other and said, "This is our song." We all started laughing and singing so loud that you couldn't hear the music on the radio anymore. When the song ended we all started laughing again. By the time we stopped again for a bathroom break it was 3 pm. It was such a nice day, it was about 90° and it felt good. Paige drives a convertible and we took her car so I asked, "hey does anyone want to put the top down?" They all agreed and we were excited because this was so much fun. I had to admit it this was actually really fun. Tay took her turn for driving while I sat in the back with Paige and Sarah. Paige was really nice and I regret what I thought about her a while ago. I was starting to get shaky again because we were about 20 minutes away from my dad's grave. The girls let me drive again because I knew more about where the grave was then they did. It was time now. I turned left down memory lane and it hit me. All those feelings I have been trying to control are starting to come out. I stopped the car at the end of the dirt road. We put my dad's grave in the forest about 2 miles in behind the old house. I had told the girls to bring tennishoes because we would have to walk some. I brought my old house key with me. I have always wanted to go back in there again. No one lived in there now and never did when we moved out. We got out of the car. I walked over to the girls and said, "look I know that this might not sound fun but we have to walk about 2 miles into the forest." They said that it was Ok and that it was worth it. We started walking and before we knew it we were already 1 mile in. We finally made it to the grave. I could barely walk straight without falling over. We actually made it on time. I never thought I would be here today. I sat down on the bench by the grave and took some deep breaths. I walked up to the grave with the girls behind me and Tay closer to me.

"Dad, I know I haven't been out to see you or check up on you it's been a tough time. I miss you sad bad it hurts to breathe. I'm so glad my amazing new friends got the idea to drop everything and drive me here. There pretty amazing I wish you could meet them. I miss you so much, I love you Dad."

I wiped the tears running down my cheeks and turned around. They all came and we had a group hug.

"Thank you guys so much for bringing me here. It was amazing."

I noticed that they all had tears in their eyes and a few that would fall down their cheeks.

"Do you guys want to see my old house?"

"Sure we would love to."

We weren't that far from the path to the house. I walked up to the back door and put the key in the lock. I turned the key and opened the door. The smell of dust filled the air and I plugged my nose. I walked into the kitchen and sat down on one of the chairs. God, I missed this house so much. I missed how mom was happy and was always there for me. Now I hardly even see her. I stood  up and the girls followed me upstairs as I showed them all the rooms. When we got to my room I paused. I don't know if I could do this. I opened the door anyway. Tears started falling down my face as I remembered all the good memories I had with my family.

"So guys this was my room. Do you guys want to get a hotel room or something? I need to rest and sleep."

They agreed and we went to the closest hotel. It was late by the time we got there.

"Here is your keys to room 456. Just walk straight down this hallway and then turn right."


We walked into room 456. It was pretty but I didn't really care I was just so tired.

"So do you guys want to fill out the breakfast menu thingy?"

"Sure they always have such good food" Courtney said.

I filled out the card for our order for all of us. Paige got in the shower first. I walked up to the door and flipped the lock to unlock the door. I pulled the door and it didn't open. I tried to flip the lock and see if I didn't turn it right the first time. It still didn't open.

"Hey Tay. Can you help me please. This stupid but I can't open the door. I must be really tired."

She walked over and could open it either. Courtney and Sarah came over and couldn't open the door. We got Paige out of the shower and explained how we couldn't get the door open. Paige called down to the lobby...

-First of all this whole hotel thing really did happen to me. I was coming back from a Luke Bryan concert which was amazing. I am pretty sure our room number was 456. But anyways it was about 3 am and I was putting the breakfast menu out and the door wouldn't open. I tell you the rest of story next chapter so I don't ruin the next chapter for you!!

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