Day Twenty-Four

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I re-enabled auto-aging, and so everyone (sans Volkie) FINALLY aged up into adults. 

Lightbulb got another random job offer, and she JUST switched jobs, so that's gonna be a no for me, dawg. 

Vivian is apparently losing her connection to the physical world. Can't really do anything, since I have no idea how to even contact Vivian, but oh well. (Vivian is one of the elders that died all that time ago.)

Volkie's a bit fussy, but she's calmed down easily and her needs are able to be satisfied without too much issue, so she's not too difficult to care for. I've devised a system where Fan and Test Tube take turns doing things for her when needed, and it's working so far. Fan actually just spent a decent chunk of the day hanging out in Volkie's room, which I thought was really sweet.

Not much else of note happened today. However, since tomorrow is Winterfest, and the very next day is Volkie's birthday, it should be an active week.

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