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"You're dressed nice Y/N" Pope complemented you

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"You're dressed nice Y/N" Pope complemented you

"Yeah. Why?" JJ questioned raising an eyebrow

"Not like it's any of your business but I have a date today"

The boys look at each other confused. "With who?" They both question you at the same time

"Again it's non of your business" You say walking into the bathroom to finish getting ready

Suddenly you hear a car pull up in front of the chateau. Before you could walk out JJ and Pope got to the door first. Seeing a familiar black Range Rover.

"Y/N! You are not going out with him" JJ yells as he walks towards you

"Oh hell nah" Pope adds

You stand in the door way as you cross your arms and roll your eyes.

"Guys not now"

"What do you mean not now. Y/N he's a literal psychopath" Pope explains

"Guys move out of her way and let her be" John B said pulling up to the house

JJ turned around with a shocked face. Not believing what just came out of his best friends mouth.

"You did not just say that. John B do you know who your sister is going on a date with?"

"Yeah JJ, it's fine. I talked with him already. He knows what'll happen"

"You're the one who told us to protect her at all costs and here you are handing her over to, Rafe Fucking Cameron. The Kook King"

"A psychopath" Pope added

"Guys drop it" John B demanded

JJ scoffs and Pope shakes his head. The boys move out of your way with their hands up. You walk over to Rafe, who was leaning against his car. He smirked and waved to the boys. You knew it was just to get under their skin.

"Have her back at curfew and not a minute late" John B yelled and Rafe signalled that he understood

"If I knew you had a bunch of guard dogs I would have picked you up somewhere else" Rafe said as he drove off

You shrugged "John B practically trained them to be like that. I got three brothers instead of one. They won't do anything unless told. All bark no bite"

Rafe shook his head with a smirk as he continued driving to your destination. "You look hot by the way" He complimented you

You blushed at his comment. He's told you multiple times before but this time was just different. "Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself"

Yes you were a pogue going on a date with a kook. The kook king to be exact. Rafe didn't have the best reputation on the island. He had his problems, you didn't look past them but you did push them to the side. Behind all his problems he was a sweet and caring person. You always had the mindset to not let people's problems get in the way and to always see the good in people. That's exactly what you did with Rafe. You even got as far as him telling
you about his emotions. He was able to open up to you easily.

Of course your brother and his friends weren't a fans of you hanging out with Rafe. It never stopped you though. It was sort of your brothers fault that you started hanging around Rafe. If it wasn't for him dating and living with Sarah Cameron. None of this would have happened, he had no choice but to be okay with it. He knew how stubborn you were.

A couple weeks back you and Rafe were at a party. You both had one too many drinks. But not enough to forget wrong from right. You two were left alone, one thing led to another. You found yourself in his lap with your lips connected to his. You stopped the kiss before anything more could happen and that's when the truth came out. Rafe started to mumble and speak really fast, expressing how he felt. You told him you felt the same way. He was so happy to hear and then mentioned how he wanted to take you out and ask you properly. He also wanted to ask your brother if he'd be okay with it happening.

So he had asked John B while he was over with Sarah. If he could take you out and also ask you to be his girlfriend. John B was sceptical at first but after a long talk with him he agreed. So here you are on your first date with Rafe.

"Where are we going?" You ask Rafe as he focuses on the road

"That doesn't matter but you're getting treated like a kook"

"You know you don't have to treat me like that or sugar daddy me. I don't ca-"

"I know, I know. I want too do it" He interrupts you

It didn't take much to make you happy and he knew that. Just being with him was enough.

Rafe pulled up in a parking spot outside a fancy restaurant on figure eight. As you two get settled down at your table. Only getting a few dirty looks from the older kooks you walked by. The looks never fazed you, you were used to it at this point.

After Rafe paid the bill you two headed out.

"Thank you Rafe that was amazing" You thanked him thinking the night was done

"You're welcome but the nights not done. We got one more stop and I know you'll like this one"

You leaned back into your seat smiling and waited patiently as he drove across the island. Shortly after Rafe park his car on the side of the road. Your smile grew knowing exactly where you were, the beach. Not just any beach, the one where you met Rafe at.

You ran down the soft sand and stopped right before the water. Rafe laughed at your actions before following you down to the shore. He grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together. You two walked up the shoreline together in a comfortable silence, listening to the waves.

"Y/N?" He spoke breaking the silence

"Mhmm" you hummed

"Why me?" He asked curiously

"What do you mean?"

"Out of all the guys you could pick from on this island, why me?"

"You're different from everyone else. The guys on the cut are either the boys I hang around, who are like brothers to me or they're just weird and aren't my type. We all know most guys on figure eight are players, no offence. They also wouldn't look my way considering my status. Rafe you are none of those. You're, you. That's so cliché to say but it's true. We didn't get along at first like regular kooks and pogues. But something about you was different making me want to know more" You paused "I love you Rafe"

Rafe listened to your answer and then stopped in his tracks as you finished. He hasn't heard those words from anyone in a long time. he smiled big and turned to you.

"Y/N thank you. Thank you for talking to me on this beach last summer. At first I didn't see it but now I do. You aren't a regular pogue like the guys. You're so much better. Fuck Y/N you saved me from going further down a dark path" He let out a breath and licked his lips "I love you Y/N and I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend"

"The kook king dating a dirty pogue. What would Topper and Kelce think?"

"Who gives a fuck about them. I'm happy and that's all that matter. So what do you say?"

"Fuck yeah Rafe Cameron, I will be your girlfriend"

He held your face in his hands and smiled down at you.

"Now let's finished what we started at that party" He says before smashing his lips into yours


Who doesn't like a little soft Rafe!!

I'd just thought I'd say this now and might put this in the requests part. I will write anything for any character except the parents. even though some of the dads are dilfs. (lol) i just don't feel comfortable writing for them. Also another note most of my work is half fast edited so sorry ahead of time for mistakes.

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