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"Pope can I ask you something? It's honestly a little embarrassing"

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"Pope can I ask you something? It's honestly a little embarrassing"

He looked up from what he was doing. "Yeah of course. What is it?"

"Do you think you can help me with my school work?" You ask

Pope looked at you funny but then smiled as he nodded "Yeah I'd love to but I thought you were doing well"

You gulped not wanting to tell him what was going on but you did anyways. "I lied" You said in defeat "Truth is I was doing pretty well but since everything happened with my family I've been failing tests and handing in work late. I want to get back into it but I just can't focus. My teachers suggested a tutor but I can't afford that so I thought maybe you could help me"

"Y/N why didn't you say something sooner but like I said before I'd love to help you"

You just shrug not saying anything more.

You grew up living next to the Heyward family
so you knew Pope for most of your life. You two didn't really hangout a lot because you were a year younger and he was always with his friends. But when you needed him, he was always there to help.

It's been a couple weeks since Pope started tutoring and helping you. You were already doing so much better. You two have been meeting up everyday after school. You would spend hours at yours or Pope's place.

You were spending a lot of time together. It had gotten to the point where Pope started
blowing off his friends just to be with you. Sometimes you'd get together and not even study.

Right now you were in Pope's room trying to do math work, that you didn't understand.

"I just don't get it" You said putting down your pencil "I give up"

"It's alright, we can take a break and come back to it later" Pope said as he closes your textbook

"I think I'm gonna call it a night. I've been at this all day and still don't get it. My head is pounding too, I should get home"

"Y/N you live next door you practically are home. Just stay, we can watch TV or go fishing to get your mind off everything"

You smiled at him "I could use some fresh air"

He took you to the dock by Heyward's Seafood. Pope casted out his fishing line and would reel it back in every so often. Then he would repeat until he caught something. Suddenly Pope's phone started ringing. JJ's caller ID popped up. He looked down at it and just declined it, without hesitation.

"Why do you keep doing that?" You asked

"Doing what?" He said playing dumb

"Pope, don't play dumb. Why do you keep blowing off your friends? Did something happen?"

Pope suddenly got nervous and kept adjusting his grip on his fishing rod.

"Y/N, these last few weeks have been so nice. There's no yelling, no one concocting, no crazy wild adventures. Not that I don't like them, it's just I need a break from it all sometimes" He paused as his dark brown eyes met yours "You've been my perfect getaway from all of that"

"I wouldn't say doing school work is a getaway but only you would say that" You shrugged and laughed a little

"It's not just that. Just being with you is enough. Doesn't matter what we're doing. Y/N I enjoy being with you. I wake up everyday looking forward to seeing you. I go to bed thinking about things we can do together. Y/N I think I'm falling for you" He admitted

"Pope I-" You started

"It's okay Y/N you don't have to say anything"

"I was gonna say I think I feel the same way"

He reeled is his rod, placing it beside him and turning to you.

"Wait what?"

You laughed at little at his reaction, knowing he wasn't the greatest with girls. You nodded at him "I've sort of always had a little crush on you. You were the cute boy next door"

He looked down at his hands and again at you. He just stared into your eyes. Knowing he would be a little scared to make a move. You leaned in a bit and he followed your lead.

"Can I ugh- Can I-"

"Yes" You interrupted him not waiting for him to ask the question. You wanted to feel his lips on yours since the day you met.

"So this is why you aren't hanging out with us" You pushed away from Pope as you heard someone yell

You both look over and see JJ walking over.



requested by SleepingPill__

Fluff is not my middle name so i don't think i succeeded with that part of the request. I just thought this idea would be really cute!! Hope you liked it and thanks for requesting

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