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"Hey Top, where are you going?" Kelce yelled as he saw Topper walking down his driveway as he pulled up

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"Hey Top, where are you going?" Kelce yelled as he saw Topper walking down his driveway as he pulled up

"Oh ugh, my mom is making me take his down to the new neighbours down they street. I'll only be a couple minutes" He tells him as he continues walking away with a dish in hand

Kelce waved him off and stayed in his car, waiting for him to return. Topper continued down the driveway and onto the road. He walked past the moving truck and up the steps of the house. He knocked gently on the door and waited for someone too answer. Seconds later a teenage girl answers the door. Topper stands in shock trying to keep his cool.

You hear a knock at the door as you unpack your things and organize your room.

"Y/N sweetheart. Can you get that? Your father and I are busy right now"

You stop what you're doing and head down to answer the door. You open the door revealing an attractive, tall, blonde boy, who looks around your age.

"Hi?" You say as you opened the door

"H-hi, I'm T-topper. I live u-up the street" He shudders as he try's to introduce himself

You smile sweetly at him "I'm Y/N and I live, here" You laugh a little, mocking him

Topper smiles shyly, scratching the back of his head as he looks down at his feet. His face goes a little red. "My mom made this for your guys, as a welcome gift" He hands you warm dish

"Oh that's so sweet. Please let her know we say thank you"

"Yeah of course. Hey, I'd love to stay and chat but my friend is waiting for me back at my place so I gotta run. It was nice meeting you" He says stepping down the stairs

"It was nice meeting you too, Topper. I hope to see you around" You say as you're about to close the door

Topper turns around from his spot at the bottom of the steps. "Hey Y/N. Would you like to go to the annual bonfire with me. I know you're new in town so I understand if you don't want to but I just thought it would be a great way for you to meet new-" He rambles

You laugh at how cute he was when he rambled on. "I'd love to go" You interrupt him

He stops and smiles at you not believing you agreed to go with him. "I'll pick you up at 8:30 tomorrow"

"See you then" You smiled and closed the door

Topper stood at the bottom of your steps not believing what just happened. He was so pumped for tomorrow night and couldn't wait.


The sun was just setting as you heard a knock on your door.

"I got it" You yelled as you raced down the stairs

You opened the door revealing Topper, who was wearing a long sleeve and shorts. His hair swooping to the right like it was yesterday. You didn't realize you were staring until Topper got your attention.

"Y/N? You good?" He said placing a hand on your shoulder

"W-what? Oh yeah. Hey Topper" You smiled coming back to reality

"H-hey, you ugh ready to go?" He asks pointing to his jeep in your drink way

You nod stepping out of your house and following Topper to his car.

You arrive at the bonfire, tons of high schoolers roaming around. As Topper parked the jeep you let out a nervous breath.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous. I'm not good at meeting new people"

"Everyone will love you. I'll be with you the whole time so if you get uncomfortable, let me know and we can leave" He places a reassuring hand on your thigh

You grab his hand and take a deep breath.

"Ready?" He asked you

"Ready" You replied

You ended up really enjoy yourself at the bonfire. You met Kelce and Topper's other close friends. You even stumbled upon the pogues but quickly learned that people on figure eight didn't get along with them.

It had only been a couple seconds after Topper left to grab another drink for you two. When you heard yelling coming from the opposite side from where you sat. You notice Topper getting pushed around and shoved. Topper doing the same back to the guy attacking him. Kelce was quick to jump in and have Topper's back.

As much as you didn't want to get involved. You also didn't want to just stand and watch so you made your way through the crowd. You didn't really know what to do but once Kelce had the kid off Topper. You grabbed him and dragged him out of there.

"Top you okay? What even happened?" You said checking out his face that was now full of cuts and bruises

"I'm good. Just some pogues talking shit and saying things about you. This is exactly why we don't associate ourselves with them. They have no respect for anyone"

Shortly after you found yourself in Topper's bathroom. Cleaning his cuts. He'd wince every time you placed the alcohol soaked cloth on an open cut. You then bandage up the larger ones.

Just as you finished up, you could feel Topper's eyes watching your every move. You looked into his blue eyes. He gives you a soft smile before moving his gaze to your lips. He starts to lean in, your heart starts racing.

He connects lips with yours but you don't kiss back. As soon as he realizes it he moves away. You regretted it instantly, not knowing why you hesitated so much.

"I-I'm sorry" He says as he looks down at his hands

You grab his chin, forcing him to look at you. "Don't be" You say before connecting lips with him again. This time kissing him.


i never see a lot of topper fics so though i'd write one. also just wanted to say thank you to everyone that's given me feed back on this book. I love receiving it. Thanks for all the support and love too

hope you enjoyed this read <3

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