The Funeral

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I decided to hold a funeral for Regan. I bought her Red roses, I feel like she would have loved them the best. I bought her 'Alice's Adventures in wonderland'. It was her favourite book. She would always read it anytime we were at school. I'm convinced she knew it off by heart. I had made a small gravestone that said 'Here lies Regan Gacy'. I made it simple because I knew it's what she would have wanted. As I laid the flowers and the book down at her grave, I was overrun with tears. She had her whole life to live and it was snatched away from her by a stupid driver. I wanted to hurt anyone or anything that has ever hurt her. I knew what she wanted to do with her life and I was going to help her. I left her grave and whispered to her.

"I love you, Regan." 

I carried with me only two things: Her diary and my knife. 

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