Treasure Hunt - Part 2

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Diti was fuming with anger, as Shivansh and Megh relied to her the happenings with Viren Acharya. She was just not ready to believe that an unknown and unseen person had arrived and rescued Viren from her clutches. If not for her future plans, she would have surely busted Shivansh and Megh to ashes.

"Get lost," she growled, as soon as the two were done with their report. Shivansh and Megh looked at each other and left her office. She was seething with rage, as she paced the length of her office. And that's how, Tarika found her when she entered there.

"Please calm down, ma'am," Tarika said, in a soothing tone.

"HOW THE HELL CAN I CALM DOWN, TARIKA?" Diti yelled, at the top of her voice. Thankfully, the office staff had left and only Tarika and Diti were present there.

"Do they even know how much pain I have taken to get those good – for – nothing idiots back? They can't even get a single piece of information. And when they fail, they come up with such stupid excuses," Diti added, angrily.

"I beg to differ here, ma'am," Tarika said, quietly.

"What do you mean?" Diti snarled, enraged at the audacity of her PA.

"I was there, when Shivansh and Megh were interrogating Viren. He was not ready to divulge anything, so they asked their men to get them their answers from him. They thrashed him till he was unconscious, but then suddenly out of nowhere, a man appeared and singlehandedly rescued Viren from those men. He was completely dressed in black, with only his eyes visible. And before Shivansh and Megh could come up to check on the mayhem, he was off with Viren, laden on his back. The man was so powerful, that even the weight of an entire human didn't slow him down," Tarika replied, all in one breath.

"Anything else did you notice?" Diti asked, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Nothing but his eyes," Tarika said, rubbing her chin. "They... they looked ancient. Something about them said that he was... he was from a different time."

"A man from a different time? Interesting... Very interesting," Diti said, with a sly smile and vindictive eyes. "So they want to make this game interesting, huh? So be it then."

Diti stood at the window and looked upon the city of dreams, as she thought about her next move.

A river of boiling acid was flowing in front of the group of friends, as they stood watching it with astounded eyes. There were two rock bridges to cross it.

"Alright then, let's move ahead," said Sachit, gulping hard and moved towards the right bridge, with others following him, except Aryan as he felt something amiss about the bridges.

However, as soon as Sachit kept one foot on the right bridge, it tilted down with his weight, while the left bridge tilted upwards. Others pulled Sachit back, before he could go down with the bridge. Everyone was shocked beyond words, at this.

"That was... that was close," Sachit said, dazed with his near – death experience.

"Okay," Aryan said, taking the lead. "So we have to use both the bridges, and balance them with our weights. We will have to do it, two at a time."

"Aryan, we are seven, in all. How is it possible to cross, two at a time?" Yuhan said, in a matter – of – fact tone.

"Thankyou Yuhan, for that invaluable piece of knowledge, which was unknown to me till now," Aryan said, in an annoyed tone.

"Don't get annoyed, Aryan. Just explain what you have on your mind," Kimi said, trying to avoid the fight.

"Listen, since we need to balance the weights, we'll have to select two persons who are equal or similar in weight, like Sachit and Nimit. They both look almost similar in their weights. So they will go first. But leave the water bottles in your bags here."

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