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{ billie's pov }

a few weeks after my small fight with anastasia, things are finally starting to calm down...thankfully it was just in time for anastasia's birthday.

I started by scrambling some eggs as the twins gush with excitement over their mom's birthday.

"do old people still like video games?" jacob asked.

"we could get mom a chemistry set!" jason said excitedly.

"both great ideas...but if we want to find the perfect gift, we need to think about what she likes. starting with what kind of person she is..."

"old!" jacob said loudly, laughing at the end.

"and...nice?" jason said iffy about his comment."

"yeah, old and nice." I said trying not to laugh. "but your mom is also down to earth and hard-working. she likes simple, practical solutions and has a lot of common sense, so maybe... a home cooked meal made by her kids?"

"I hope you're not making a big deal out of another trip around the sun."

I look up just as anastasia entered the kitchen, adjusting her blazer. for just a moment I catch a glimpse of her midriff and swallow.

"good morning everyone." she said letting out a small smile.

"happy birthday, birthday girl."

"oh no, please it's-"

"the anniversary of the birth of anastasia monet! a momentous occasion." I said half teasing, I wrap ana in a tight embrace, but as soon as I feel her body pressed against mine I pull away.

"thank you."

"happy birthday mom!" jason yelled.

"you don't look a day over a hundred!" jacob said smiling.

ana slips onto the stool next to jacob and ruffles his hair.

"well, thats a relief." she said chuckling.

"yeah, what's your secret? for someones so ancient, you look pretty incredible." I said laughing.

"drinking lots of water...and steering clear of beautiful women."

her eyes lingered onto me for a second before she gathered her things for work.

"I'll see you all this evening. jacob, don't burn the house down, and jason...watch your brother."

"what? but I'm older!" jacob said.

"don't worry. i'll keep a close eye on him mom!" jason said with a grin on his face.

anastasia briskly headed out the door for work, I try to shake my mind that she didn't even say goodbye to me.

𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙

later that day, carter, the twins, and I walked through the local farmers market looking for inspiration for anastasia's birthday dinner.

"alright, what should we make your mom for her birthday dinner?"

"chicken nuggets! with a side of quesadillas!"

"and mozzarella sticks!" jason added.

"I'm not sure we'll be able to find those here...carter, you know ana better than I do. do you have any suggestions?"

"ms.monet is a woman with a sophisticated palate. you can't go wrong with a gourmet meal made from fresh ingredients."

"in that case lets go all out. fancy charcuterie board to start, then a beautiful filet mignon over risotto. what do you think, boys? can you help me with that?"

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