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{ billies pov }

"victoria? what're you doing here?"

"I heard about what happened at the picnic. we need to talk."

"y-you do?"

'fuck fuck fuck! I thought anastasia and I were careful.' I thought to myself.

"yeah, jade told me all about the conversation the two of you had."

"wait, jade?"

"well, she didn't tell me all about it. she kept the details pretty vague. but I heard enough to know jade was way out of line, and I just want to reassure you that I told her that. she won't bother you like that again."

'so she doesn't know about what happened between anastasia and I while we were cleaning up, she thinks this is all about jade.'

"victoria, thank you for talking to jade for me."

"it was my pleasure, I do love putting jade in her place every now and then."

she took a deep breath and smiled at me.

"anyway, now that that little bit of unpleasantness is taken care of... we can talk about why i'm really here. i know we don't always see eye to eye. i forget sometimes how intimidating i can be to insecure young women. but i could really use your help."

"seriously? didn't you want to fire me not too long ago? you know, after i defended you to your dad?"

"oh, anastasia told you about that?" she said shocked.

"i overheard"

victoria looked embarrassed for the first time ever.

"i do... appreciate what you said. though it was the worst place to do it at. but anyways, ana told me you were keeping your job, so i've moved on."

she waved her hands, as if she expects me to just move on like she did.

"there's an important charity gala this weekend, and i'll never be ready in time without the help of an assistant. unfortunately my current assistant is on maternity leave right now. so selfish and irresponsible."

"having a family can be demanding too. you'll find that out if you marry ana."

oh fuck. i said "if". but i don't think she noticed?

"yeah, family is important, but in this particular instance, business is even more important. i need to be at my best for this event. anastasia told me it's fine if you took the day off to assist me since she already has plans with the boys. meet me at this address in an hour."

she gave me her business card.

"right...see you then." i said confused.

"great!" she gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked away.

'a full day with victoria... great..'

i heard another knock at my door. i braced myself for whatever victoria forgot, but when i glanced up, i saw ana poking her head in. "is it safe to come in?" she asked.

"ana, you left me to the wolves, a little help would've been nice!?" i said in a 'wtf' tone.

she slipped into my room with a smirk. "i think you handle her better than i do. but i do owe you, big time."

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