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{ billie's pov }

"I'm victoria rousseau, from rousseau industries. as the new maid, you'll probably be seeing me here a lot and-"

"i'm not a 'maid'. I'm billie o'connell the boys' nanny."

"oh, well, in that case.." she looked at me, clearly expecting me to get out of her way.


"It's weird anastasia didn't invite you to her birthday dinner." i said smiling.

"i'm sure she would've if she'd known i was in town."

"she didn't call and check?"

"not that it's any of your business, but we talked last night. I just hadn't decided to come back home."

"right, sorry i didn't mean to pry."

"but you did, and i understand that you can't help but be interested in the lifestyles of the rich and famous."

she pushed her way past me heading straight to the dining room.

"victoria? what are you doing here?" anastasia asked confused.

"happy birthday!" victoria said smiling.

victoria greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and handed her a small velvet box.

"a diamond tennis bracelet? thank you it's lovely." ana said smiling at her.

"only the best for my sunshine."

victoria reached out and played with jason's hair, he stiffened.

"aren't you happy to see me jacob? I brought presents for you boys too."

"i'm jason." he said rolling his eyes.

"that's what i said. how would you like a new watch?Its gucci. I got one for you too jacob."

"thanks, just what i always wanted." he said sarcastically.

"you have good taste." victoria said letting out a fake smile.

has she even hung out with these kids?

"what a thoughtful gift victoria, gucci timepieces might be a little mature for them, but that's something we can discuss later." anastasia said.

"you're never to young to become a style icon." victoria said.

she moved into my damn seat and looked up at me while i stood there.

"aren't you going to pick up the plates?"

damn bitch the fuck

"I'm here for the kids. cleaning the house isn't part of my job description."

"well in that case, you can leave." she said smiling.

"victoria you can't just-" anastasia tried talking but victoria interrupted her.

"ana, you'll never guess who was in first class with me."

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