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"what are you doing here? and why is victoria calling you?" anastasia asked with a confused expression.

"she was looking for you. do i even want to know what y'all two were doing here?" jade said angrily.

"we were just cleaning." billie muttered out.

"cleaning? that's what your going with?" jade said chuckling, as she rolled her eyes.

"we don't need to explain shit to you. did u finish the press release for the milan breach?" anastasia asked.

"i've been a little busy, apparently i'm not the only one."

"enough. if you have something to say then say it. if not then go back to work."

jade stormed towards the exit but stopped at the door.

"i almost forgot. victoria has a message for you billie. since you came today, she wants you to go to the company picnic this weekend."

"she does? i thought she wanted me fired."

"mm. i guess it's a 'keep your enemies closer' type thing. she also already told mom and dad so they're expecting you there."

jade walked out of the lab without a second glance. anastasia sighed and turned to billie.

"are you okay?"

"we have to be more careful."

"yeah. it won't happen again. also, you don't have to come to the picnic."

the tone of her voice made billie pause for a second.

"well if you don't want me there.." billie said as she moved away from anastasia, but ana stopped her as she put her hand on top of billies arm.

"that's not what i meant. i always want you with me."

"i'll go."

day of the company picnic.

billie looked through her things, trying to find out what to wear.

'i give up. i have no idea what to wear to something like this. a skirt? a sweater? wait no it's too hot for sweaters. ugh!'

as if on cue, billie hears the pattering of feet running down the hallway. she turned just on time to see jason and jacob appear at her door, holding a bag that's almost as big as they are.

"billie! we got you something!" jacob said smiling.

"mom said we could surprise you with something for the picnic." jason said.

"she may have helped a bit." jacob said.

billie smiled and looked inside the bag.

billie's outfit, try to picture it with short sleeves and with the skirt showing

billie's outfit, try to picture it with short sleeves and with the skirt showing

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