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𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 : 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛

{ billies pov }

i tried keeping a low profile yesterday and now i was walking to the kitchen hoping to cook the kids a breakfast meal, and leave before anastasia spotted me.

'they can't fire me if they can't find me, right?'

well fuck. i walked into the kitchen and saw anastasia quietly sipping coffee at the kitchen counter.

"ana? i didn't expect you to be up so early." i said shocked.

"i've been meaning to talk to you. you can be a difficult woman to find, when you want to be."

god here it comes.

"beautiful morning we're having isn't it? it's also a great day to be employed." I said smiling, honestly wanting to shit myself.

"uh, yeah it is, i guess? are you feeling okay?"

"i'm just grateful to have you as a boss, that's all."

ana looked at me confused and touched my arm. "billie, i'm not going to fire you." she said chuckling.

"but, victoria-"

"victoria what? she doesn't get a say in this. yeah she was upset about what happened at the club, but i wouldn't fire someone just to soothe her ego. especially when everything you said to paolo was spot on."

"good, cause i'm not going to stop speaking on what's on my mind."

"i wouldn't want you to. besides, if i fired everyone who voiced their opinion, i'd be an army of one. the world needs more thinkers like you." she took a deep breath in. "actually, that's what i wanted to talk to you about this morning, your future. i thought maybe you could come to the office with me today. carter can watch the boys, and i know you have ambitious outside of being a nanny. this is your chance to see a fortune 500 company up-close and personal."

"monet enterprise is a little out of my league, don't you think?" i said nervously.

"of course not. i've seen your credentials. i almost handed your resume over to HR instead of hiring you personally."

"really? i wouldve loved working under you...in any position."

"i don't doubt it. you're very...capable."

"thanks ana. or should i call you 'ms.monet.' today?"

"ana is fine. now, do you wanna tell the boys, or should i?"

not long after, we arrived at monet enterprise, heads turned as i walked with ana.

"good morning ms.monet. i made a submission to the patent folder whenever you have a moment to review." a man said to anastasia.

"great. grant, have you met billie o'connell?"

"havent had the pleasure. are you new here?" he asked looking at me with a smile.

"oh, no i uh-"

"maybe someday, if we're lucky. she just got her masters in chemistry, and shows a lot of promise." ana said.

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