Food, Drink, and Sleep

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I'm pretty sure I had annoyed the heck out of D.O. throughout the whole trip to the EXO-K dorm. I kept pestering him about if he was getting tired, poked his face multiple times, and I playfully messed up his carefully styled hair while I was at it. Oops!

When we had all reached the destination I was starting to slip off D.O.'s back when he did that weird jump to lift my body farther up his back.

Squealing I clung onto D.O. as if my life had depended on it.

"What was that for? We're here, so put me down," I demanded.

"But it's fun to carry you!"

"Wh-what?" I spluttered. "Fun? Are you crazy? I weigh like 100 pounds or so!"

"Whoa! Really? That's light! I wanna try holding her!" Chanyeol said.

"Me too!" Taemin chimed in.

"I'm not some luggage bag that you guys can," I got cut off abruptly as D.O. was passing me over to Taemin's back. I had no choice but to wrap my arms around him. And I thought D.O. was better than this!

"You're right! She is light weight!" he commented.

"Does that mean she can't handle her liquor too?" Kris smirked as he questioned me.

"Excuse me! But I just happen to be really, really good at holding my liquor. In fact, I've had up to 15 bottles of beer without puking!" I defended myself. And why shouldn't I defend myself? My pride was getting beat up.

"I'm not asking. In fact I am challenging you," Kris confirmed with me.

"Challenge accepted!" I shot back. "And if I win you have to call me by my actual name."

"Fine. And if I win then I get to piggyback you whenever I feel like it," Kai tried to approve.

"And what makes you so sure that I would agree to having to accept random piggyback rides?" I challenged.

"Because you won't have a choice," he stated before running inside the dorm.

"What the heck was that?" I questioned quietly to myself, but since Taemin's ear was near my mouth he heard it clear as day.

"I don't know, but there is definitely something goin' on inside that boy's head," he responded before he leisurely walked into the EXO-K dorm.

Once we were inside Taemin graciously put me down on the couch, but unfortunately Minho was the one Taemin set me down by. God! Why does the world hate me?

"Move her," Minho complained.

"Move her yourself weirdo," Taemin said leaving no room for further argument before sitting down on the other side of me. You know, the side where Minho wasn't sitting.

"No, I don't want to move. I'm actually quite comfortable right now," I claimed as I took of my shoes and evilly put my legs in Minho's lap and carefully found a comfortable position in Taemin's lap for my head. Taemin, who didn't hate me, just patted my head a few times and sat their enjoying this little charade game we were playing with Minho.

"Get your feet off of my lap," Minho growled.

Instead of talking straight to him I used all the other boys to get my point across. "What do you guys think? Don't we look cute together?" I said with honey dripping off my voice as I made the cutest face I could muster up. And it was pretty cute. I should know. Spending hours in front of a mirror had finally payed off.

I heard a murmur from the guys as they all looked Minho, Taemin, and I over.

"Personally, I think we look cute together. Don't we?" Taemin asked before bending over and kissing my forehead. I was shocked, but I was supposed to be acting cute, so I pretended it didn't affect me. In all reality though my heart was pounding. I mean, I've never had a boyfriend so what do you expect? Of course my hormones are going to be acting up.

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