Glass Rivers and Water Refraction

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Before Suho and I could stand up I heard my phone buzz on the ground. Picking up I looked at the caller ID and answered with a confused look on my face.

"Onew why are you calling me?"

"I just listened to the voicemail Minho left me, and was calling you to see if everything is alright," he informed.

"Sure," I said indifferently. "I was about to go downstairs and inform everyone else of the situation."

"Do you need me to pick you up? Despite the fact that you were going to hang with EXO for two days I'm sure that we could make some accommodations in our schedule for you. You are our guest, and the guest should always feel comfortable," he reasoned.

"Uhm..." I trailed off looking at Suho. He was determined to help me out anyway he could. He was positive that everything would turn out fine, how could I let him down? Sighing I shook my head and told Onew that I'd be fine. That he could pick me up at the scheduled time tomorrow evening.

"Alright... Just call me if you need anything. And I promise I won't ever hang up on you like I did earlier today. You are more important than my job," he concluded.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I confirmed before hanging up and nodding at Suho. We both stood up and walked out of the room.

I followed him down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was hanging out. When Suho and I entered the room however all eyes were on me.

Suho had begun to open his mouth to say something, but it was drowned out by the dozens of questions being hurled at me.

My eyes widened as a sense of deja vu swept over me and my temple started throbbing slightly. Raising my right hand I pressed gently against my head before pulling it away and using it as a stop signal to the rest of the boys.

"Okay," I said once everyone had quieted down. "I know that you guys have multiple questions that you want answered, however I am going to share with you as much as I know and am comfortable with sharing. So what questions do you guys have?"

Several of the boys raised their hands. I gave a quick genuine smile before picking Sehun. He asked me what I was dreaming about. I sighed and thought for a few seconds hoping that the dream's contents would make themselves apparent to me. They didn't, so I simply told Sehun all that I knew, which just so happened to be nothing.

The questioning, or interrogation, as I've been calling it, lasted for at least five minutes. Most the time I was saying, "I really don't know the answer to your question," or "Hopefully I'll be able to find out later." I could tell that the boys were unsatisfied with my answers so I told them that I would let them know if anything else happened in the future. They nodded and all dispersed into their dorm rooms.

Thinking I was alone I allowed myself to press my hand against my temple as I walked over to the couch.

"Damn it!" I murmured to myself as I knocked my knee into the coffee table before managing to make it to the couch. "Why can't anything ever go my way?" I complained out loud to no one.

"Maybe it's because you don't love yourself enough," someone said.

Surprised I looked up to find Baekhyun.

"Not you too," I moaned. "I already have my own EXO therapist, in case you didn't know, but thanks anyway Baekhyun."

"I never volunteered to be your therapist. I'm just stating what I've observed," he cautiously said.

"Mhhm. I guess you're right," I replied. I've had an exhausting day, and the last thing I want to do is fight with one of my new friends. "Just one question though."

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