Truth vs. Dare

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When I woke up it was dark out. I was awkwardly lying on my side with my left hand touching the ground while my right one was resting on my side. A blanket was drapped over me and a pillow was underneath my head. Wait, last time I checked I was placed on the couch, I have no memory of the blanket and the pillow being provided. So how the hell did these items appear to be with me? Sighing I shrugged before shoving the blanket to the opposite side of the couch, sitting up, and gently placed my feet on the soft, warm... Hang on! The ground shouldn't be wearing clothes! Glancing down I found a guy lying on the ground besides the couch. Since the moon light wasn't strong enough to reflect the features I could only make out certain features.

I carefully placed my feet on the ground and slowly stood up. Using the faint moonlight I navigated my way into the kitchen. I found the stove and saw the green glowing numbers that I was looking for. 2:30 a.m. What the heck! Why am I awake at such an ungodly hour. No sooner did I ask the question before I found my stomach grumble. Really? I woke up because I was freaking hungry? Thanks a lot stomach.

Looking through the fridge I found the leftovers from lunch, but didn't want to bother microwaving them, so I opened up the pantry and found some ramen. Perfect! Quickly I grabbed the packet, ripped it open and began tearing of little pieces and stuffing it in my mouth. Looking down I discovered little ramen crumbs on the hardwood floor and then decided it was best to eat this stuff outside. That way I wouldn't have to clean up after myself afterwards. I know, I'm lazy, but aren't we all?

Slowly I opened the sliding glass door that lead to the cute, little backyard that the EXO-K dorm came with. My eyes widened not because of the amazing little backyard they had, although it was pretty awesome, but because of the cold. Sighing I swiftly walked back into the living room, grabbed the blanket off the couch, being sure to not step on any sleeping boys, and draped it across my shoulders before daring to venture back outside.

The cold air hit my face and my bare legs that weren't covered by the blanket, but I persevered and continued to walk further into the little backyard. Although it was little it had a fish pond, lush green grass, a small bird feeder, and a few mysterious shapes that looked like art projects of some sort that were strewn in some unknown pattern across the lawn. To make the yard look complete they had a glittering pathway made of stained glass that led to a small gazebo, which was also made of stained glass.

Following my instincts I walked on the smooth, sturdy glass into the gazebo. I sat down on the small marble bench provided and then continued to noisily munch on the packet of ramen that had never left my hands. I was thankful they had some sort of structure in their yard because now the cold wind was only a slight breeze.

I don't know exactly how long I spent sitting inside the gazebo, but it was enough time for the boys to work themselves into a frenzied panic over the lack of my presence inside the house. Those idiots. They should have known I couldn't have traveled far with the hangover I was experiencing. Yes, I know I said I didn't feel bad when I first woke up, but minute after minute the headache was getting increasingly worse. How much soju did I drink last night? I recall drinking fifteen or so shots while sitting down, but Kris and I had continuously kept drinking more shots while standing up and talking to the boys afterwards.

I had just finished eating the packet of dried ramen when a guy rushed out from inside the house and frantically looked around the yard. I watched him as he continuously scanned the yard. Once he saw me he ran over and pulled me onto my feet, and hugged me.

"OH MY GOD! You had us all so scared! I woke up and found you not lying on the couch and woke everyone up to look for you. When I heard you apologize to me while you were drunk last night I knew you were being sincere. I felt so bad for accusing you of being a total bitch, so when I woke up to find you no longer on the couch I was so scared," the all too familiar voice said unsteadily. It was weird to hear him worry about me instead of scold me, so I just patted his back awkwardly and waited for him to let me go. Once he let go he turned around, bent his knees, and then grabbed behind my kneecaps in order to pick me up for a piggyback ride. WTF!

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