Boring Teachers and Computer Ads

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I was bored out of my mind. Mr. Lent was yapping away with his high pitched, nasally voice. I usually lasted about half the lesson, but today just wasn't my day. My eyes felt as if tiny grains of sand were being poured into them, and my eyelids kept drooping. I was slouched in my chair with a pen in my hand posed over my notebook. I had managed to jot down at least half a page of notes before my mind decided to quit on me. I was stuck in Mr. Lent's class for another hour and had no acceptable way to pass the time. Usually I'd pull out my guitar or my iPod and start singing along with my favorite bands, or I'd dance until I couldn't feel my legs, but I knew that it wasn't allowed in class. Yes, I would draw, but I have this rule where I never, and I mean never, draw in school. This rule was set into place when I got bored in, oh would you look at that, in Mr. Lent's class. Shocker, I know.

So this is what happened. I got bored of listening to his high pitched voice, so I had discreetly put my ear buds in and started drawing a new idea for an album cover. I had gotten so wrapped up in my drawing that I hadn't noticed that Mr. Lent had shut up. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to find a wrinkling face with beady eyes and a hawk nose staring back at me. Calmly I had taken out my ear buds and waited for him to yell at me, but it never came. I found him looking down at my drawing and then he told me how Drawing wasn't an important skill that I could use to financially support myself in the future. I had then used a nice string of cuss words and flung them in his face. I got detention for a whole month with him afterwards. It wasn't a nice experience, and that was when I had set my no-drawing-in-class rule in place.

There was also a time when I had put my ear buds into my ears to try to drown out Mr. Lent's voice with my favorite band. Sadly it wasn't working so I turned up the volume on my iPod until I couldn't hear Mr. Lent's childish voice. Unfortunately for me I forgot that my ear buds weren't as good as my head phones when it came to keeping sound from leaking out. I got sent to the office afterwards.

That also reminds me of when I started singing unconsciously along with the song stuck in my head. Hey! You've done it before too! I know you have. When you're sitting there with a song stuck in your head, and then you realize that you weren't only singing along with it in your head. Mr. Lent yelled at me about how Singing wasn't a proper career, and I talked back earning another month of detention. Yeah, Mr. Lent and I didn't get along well with each other. Have you noticed?

Still half asleep I looked at the clock and read 2:50. My eyes widened as I realized that I had been sitting, well more like slouching in my chair, day dreaming to some extent. I let out a little shriek as I scrambled to pack my things along with my other classmates. There was no way I was going to start my weekend off with receiving a lecture and detention from Mr. Lent.

I was happily bouncing in my car seat while listening to the DJ on the radio talk about winning the chance to meet up with some band. I looked at the stop light that hadn't changed for a whole five minutes and shrugged. It wouldn't hurt to try. So I called up the number only to not have the receiver pick up. I just shrugged and continued humming along to music.

Once I entered my apartment I tossed my backpack onto my bed went to the bathroom, cooked some food, ate it, and then pulled out my laptop ready to chip away at my weekend homework. One of my assignments consisted of looking up articles of successful people who chose being an artist as their career path. And no, I do not mean those stupid pop stars or any other famous singer. I'm talking about the people who want to write songs, produce songs, or creat dancing routines for the famous singers.

Anyway, so I chose a website that looked decent and started scanning through it. Then, as ads always do, one caught my eye. I stopped scrolling down the page and looked at it. It read:

Click to submit yourself into the competition! This offer only lasts one day, so hurry!

And before you ask, no. It was not the context of the ad that caught my eye, in fact it was the cool background they chose to outline their advertisement. It consisted of this cool logo that looked like a diamond, but the closer I looked I realized that it spelled something. I tried to make out the letters but failed miserably. Underneath the cool logo were the words S.M.Entertainment. Assuming it had something to do with the music industry I clicked on it. Couldn't hurt to try right?

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