Steve Rogers : Sick

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Steve Rogers x F!Reader 


Warnings : Language, Fluff that's all folks 

Summary : Steve is sick (again hehehehe he's cute when he's sick guys sorry)

Y/N's Pov 

I was at home. Steve was at a meeting at the ground floor of the avengers tower where we lived. He'd be home late so i decided to cook something for dinner till then. Suddenly the door closed. "Who is it?" i asked aloud. I felt two familiar arms wrap around my waist. "hey" he whispered into my neck where he was peppering soft kisses. I giggled  "Hey you! what are you doing back so quick?" i asked him happy to see him   

"Bucky spread a rumor that i was sick" Steve murmured into my neck. I switched the stove off and turned around. I smiled softly at him and lifted my hand to cup his cheek. He was burning. He leaned into my hand and i gasped softly. "sweetheart you're burning up!" i exclaimed. "I'm fine" he rolled his eyes. I pulled my hand away and he groaned. "Babe you stink, go shower i'll make you some soup" i explained. 

"i'm not sickkkkk i don't need soup" he dragged. I glared at him and he sighed defeated and went to take a shower. 

15 minutes later 

His soup was now ready. Steve walked into the room wearing grey sweatpants. Grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. In summer!  He was rubbing his towel on his hair trying to dry it. "Baby, have you seen my laptop?" he asked me. 

"No laptop for you today, it's your day off" i beamed. "y/nnnnn i need to work!" he whined. I put the soup in the microwave to heat it up. "Open that cabinet" i told him. He grinned widely thinking that his laptop was in there. "babe it's not in here" he groaned again. slamming the cabinet shut  "I know, take out the thermometer and put it in your mouth" i sang. 

"So bossy" he muttered. "excuse me? i began waving a spoon at him "Sorry m'aam" he sighed. 

He was sitting on the counter next to me and i put the soup in front of him and took the thermometer out of his mouth. Oh god was he hot. In both ways *smirk* HAHHAHA sorry. 

I took him to our bedroom and he ate the soup. He was lying in bed while i was sitting on the sofa. There were shirts on the floor so i decided to fold them. I grabbed them of the floor and felt two arms grab me again. My back was against his chest and his arms were around my waist

"Stevie you should stay in bed, you don't want to get sicker do you?" i shared. He turned me around and put his forehead on my shoulder. I put my hands on his nape. "I'm cold" he muttered. "then get back in bed" i exclaimed. Rubbing circles on his neck. "But i was promised cuddles in the morning and a guy can only wait for so long" he whined. I giggled at him and moved his head away from my shoulder. 

I kissed his forehead and we went and cuddled in bed. 

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