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*another version of the birth of Fernando Di angelo, someone requested a normal birth, and I'm like sure only catch they never said she had to be nice. I know I'm a bitch.
Sorry, you still love me*

-warnings: mentions of self harm, death, and maybe self hate.-
Her name was Helen. At the time he saw her as the most beautiful creature he ever saw, he wit was only matched by her beauty. They had once spoken of the idea of marriage, but the demigod knew in his heart the love he had found could never last. It was the second  summer of their relationship. Nico had agreed they moved too fast even for teenagers, they had already consummated their love and oddly upon their first try they were blessed with the news of their first child. Everything had finally picked up. Until his father had came to visit. In all honesty his father merely wanted to see the new love in his life, but the skeleton and ghoulish tagalogs was probably a bad idea.

She had already been 7 months pregnant when her mind lost all sense of use. Knowing her boyfriend was the spawn of an actual devil, her son would be just as demonic, right? Oh how she tried to love her child and her lover, but she couldn't. Her heart was not as open as she had thought. She despised her child and the one who cursed her body with the damned half-breed. Upon the 8th month she had stopped eating all together, because of this, Nico refused to leave her side in fear of her hurting their child. Helen hated Nico being any where near her. She had seen her chance to sack her revenge on the demigod. She had locked herself in the bathroom, taking an old fashion razor blade bring it to her wrist and with one swift motion slicing it open. Before she could do it again the door busted open revealing a pissed off daughter of pluto. They faught for the blade until Helen right hooked Hazel in the stomache knocking the breath out of her. Before the could think stright blood began pouring down her legs.

"shit, You stupid bitch." Hazle coughed grabbing the women by the wrist, dragging her to the living room. "Nico we gotta go!" The prince of ghouls came running out from his room.

"What happened?" He came running trying his best to stop the blood that still flowing from his girlfriends wrists.

"She tried to kill her self and now I think she put to much stress on the baby! We need to get her to the hospital!" Helen tired to shake them off, but with the blood loss she was too weak and was ushed to the car. Hazel never let the speedometer go under 50. By the time Helen was rushed into surgery she had already lost consciousness twice. She looked at the doctors, the light from the operating room made them almost angle-like, but she knew better than to believe they'd help her.

"I'm sorry Mr. Angelo, but your friend has lost too much blood, without any form of iron in her body there's no way for her to make any more blood without doing any damage to the infant."

"What about a blood transfusion. Isn't there any in your hospital that can stabilize her long enough to save them both?"

"I'm afriad not sir. She is O negative and we're almost out of it in our hospital. The only hospital that has enough O negative in stock is at least 4 hours away. I'm afriad sir she might not make it pass 2 hours without the blood." The doctor moves to comfort Nico, but the young man isn't about to crack.

"What are the chances for the baby?" Hazel asked.

"slighty better than the mother, but not enough to be sure. We'd have to perform an emergancy C section, but that would cut the mother's chances in half. We have a small window before it's too late to save either. We need an answer now." Nico looked him in the eye, unwavered by his diagnosis.

"save the baby." He walked out not wanting to see the out come of the women that once loved him.

Helen didn't feel when they sliced his stomache. But she did hear the waltz of a baby.

"congrates mommy, it's a boy." The nurse ushered the boy for her to see him. He was beautiful, pure, small, barely moving, but oh it was alive and moving such noises as a babe would, his hair, jet black just like his father's. He looked too much like Nico, he retained almost nothing from her except her eye shape and her nose. This in a way made it easier for her.... To let go.

"Take him away. Take that thing away from me!" She sheriked. In her heart she knew she'd never make a good mother, but it was still her's. As the babe was rushed out of the room due to some form of breathing problem, her body worked against her. Her eyes filled up with tears as her mouth spoke nonsense.

"i'm sorry, I'm so sorry I have to leave you. I couldn't do it, I wasn't strong enough. I'm so sorry." After all even the worst of mothers would shed a tear for their children, in her heart, soul, and mind she was still a mother. The last of her strength flrd as she closed her tried eyes closed and breathed her last breath.

Nico was outside when he felt her soul leave this world. He had done his best not too, but he couldn't, he cried. He cried for his lost love, for his child and for his sanity. Years head passed since Helen had passed, Nico barely mentions her to his son. He thought it best for his son to grow up happy. He named him Fernando just because he always liked the name. Now 6 years of age , Fernando had almost everyone eating out of his little hand. His favorite people to be with were his uncles Jason and Percy. Jason loved to give hugs, piggyback rides and wrestle, but Percy on the other hand loved to her the child talk about his day or even a story of a friend he just made up. Everynight after he gave Fernando a hug and kiss good night and his son had drifterd of to sleep. His thoughts drifted to his lost love and how his life might be diffirent if she survived, but when ever his son would roll in his sleep he remembered. Losing Helen wasn't the end of his life, no it was the beginning. 


I'm so sorry!!!! I now this was more sad than happy but I still hope you guys liked it and hope this tides you over for awhile.

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