5 times Jason suspected and 1 time he saw.

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summary: So this is one of those 5+1 things. I aways wanted to do one so I'm gonna do. The suggestion came from @FlorenceSigo. Thanks I had a lot of fun with this one *thumbs up*

Begin the Leo x Nico love.



Jason walk up to Leo's door.

"Leo, you in there?" Jason knocked pretty loud. After a second or two, the son of Hephestas answered.

"What?" he huffed, his hair out of place and his shirt tugged to the side.

"oh, um well the furnaces went out and everyone was cold so could you if you could fix i-" Jason heard someone shiver. When he looked he saw a head of black hair.

"I didn't know Nico shared a room with you." He rubbed the back of his head. Leo grabbed his tool belts and closed the door.

"ya, well where else is he suppsose to sleep." Leo huffed and walked off to the furnace.


It happend during dinner. Jason had been so busy making sure Percy wasn't being an A-hole, that he never noticed Nico sitting to each other. Almost every night, even when they didn't eat and it was just a meeting they sat next to each other. Jason noticed once while everyone else was busy talking about other things. Leo leaned in whispered something to Nico. Which he respond by blushing and slapping him upside the head. Most people would have been mad, but Leo just laughted.


Jason saw Leo getting touchy with Nico. When Leo makes jokes and draps and arm around his shoulder it lingers there. It never lasts long. Nico didn't seem bothered by it. Even when their hands touched. Jason should have known then.


During Valentines day, Jason had been looking everywhere for the son of Hades. He had left brownies for everyone. He wanted to thank him. He turned a corner to find Nico handing Leo a box of chocolate. That's really different from the others he gave. Leo looked he wanted to say something, but Nico shoved it in his arms and ran off. Later that day Jason caught up with Nico.

"Hey um... thanks for the brownie." He rubbed his head.

"no prob.I know Hazel means well but I just don't like baked goods."

"Hazel?" he looked stun.

" ya, she baked me too much. so I just gave it to anyone who ever took it." Nico said goodbye and walked away.


Jason should had known when Leo 'mistakenly' a wrong turn and flew into the northpole. To see the lights in the sky. He would admit they were beautiful. All the couples had cuddled to keep warm. He was enjoying himself for once in a while, but still something kept nagging at him. He excused himself. He walked to the otherside of the deck to see Leo and Nico cuddling. More like Leo with his arms around Nico, his arms stretched out as fire came from his palms. Nico looked peaceful he watched the lights danced in the sky. Jason really should had known then.


Jason finally found out. Just not the way he would had liked. It happend after the war. Everyone from both camps came together to celebrate the defeat of Gaia.

He spent most of the time wondering through being praised. He noticed Nico had a pained looked on his face. He soon left into the woods. He was about to follow until he saw Leo excuse himself and walked into the woods. Of course he followed as well, he came into a clearing seeing the two and heard crying.

"I told you I wouldn't die." Leo hugging Nico tightly.

"You almost did." He buried his face into his chest. "And if you did I would had gone down to the Underworld and kicked your ass" Leo laughed.

"Nico." Leo pushed his chin up to meet his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere I told you I wasn't." Leo leaned in lips barely touching. "I love you." He said

"Ti amo" Nico replied and leaned forward. They shared a passionate kiss. It was almost sweet until, Jason saw Leo's hands wonder downward not stopping until they reached Nico's ass. He gave the firm cheeks a hard squeezed bring his hips to meet his. Nico broke the kiss with a loud smack and a hard hit to the chest.

"Really?" He gasped. Leo just smiled.

"Remember that promise we made before the battle?" Nico asked blushing not looking him in the eyes.

"Ya I remember." Leo tried his best not to smile. Nico gave him another kiss.

"Ask me again." He asked breathlessly. Leo slowly lowered on to one knee. Jason's eyes widened. Leo placed his hands on the ghost kings hips, bring Nico to rest his hands on his shoulders. Both looking into each others eyes.

"Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades and Maria Di Angelo, will you do me the honor of being my best friend, my soul mate, my boyfriend." He smiled. Tears formed him the corner of his eyes.

"I do" In a swift motion he picks up his new boyfriend in the air and spun him around giving him the best kiss of his life. What Jason thought was a romantic moment between two people who truly loved each quickly turned lusty. Leo braced Nico up against a tree. They broke apart gasping.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Leo's hand crept up his shirt warming his chest.

"Making sure you remember how much I love you." He said as he started kissing Nico's throat. He moaned as be moved his head sideways. Jason choose this moment to go back to the party.

20 minutes had passed before Nico and Leo returned holding hands. The son of Hades sporting bite marks and the biggest smile.

"Oh my gods those two are together." Some random girl asked.

"Ya for a while now" he said not caring about the looks he was getting.

"How long have you know?" She asked. He turned to look at them, holding hands and smiling. It brought a smile to his own face..

"A while" he simply said. "A while"


did u guys like it. @FlorenceSigo thanks for the idea so I really hope you liked it. Send me more ideas please.

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