the death Prince and the lighting knight (part 1)

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hi everyone. So because I need time to finish this and at the same time want you guys to read it. I've decided to make this in to parts. Depending on how far I take it. It may be 2 to 3 parts. So I hope you like it so far.

summery: This is an KingdomAU kinda modern. Nico is forced into marriage and must decide between two suitors Cupid a general from Aphrodite kingdom or a favored son from Demeter kingdom to smooth the grudge between his father and Lady Demeter. He must decide between the two or disobey his father and rights as Prince of the kingdom of Hades. Will his choice lead him to bitterness or the love he's never had before.

Story starts now:

Nico hurry!" A beautiful young women cried racing down the stairs, her black hair swooshing behind her.

"Ya hurry or you'll miss the limo." A second girl yelled her coco skin and eyes making just as beautiful.

"I'm coming." Nico looked back at his reflection, his hair flattened, bangs slightly in his eyes. His pants black and pressed, his shirt thin the sleeves going past his fingers tips. A jewel placed in the middle of his forehead hanging off bedded strings that wrapped around his head.

'I don't know why I have to go no one ever catches my eyes' he looks again. Running his hand through his ink black hair as if it to make it grow faster 'or even asks me to dance.' He signed and followed his sisters to the car.

"It took you long enough." The eldest sister mocked. "Hurry or we'll be late."  She ushered her younger siblings into the car, before getting in herself.

"Bianca why do we have to go to this thing anyway?" Nico huffed slouching in his seat. The oldest girl sighed fixing her hair making some cover her shoulder.

"Even though you don't like it. It's a chance to see everyone in Olympus. Who's grown, who's dating who, who has kids know." Nico couldn't argue there, as children of Hades and darkness no one really wants you around, and when they did leave the castle they were given looks or avoided all together, because of this they rarely left the grounds.

Besides" She laughed "you'll get to see Jason."

"Ooh Jason and Nico sitting in a tree" Nico threw at the youngest girl

"Shut it, hazel nut." She threw it back hitting him in the face.

"Don't call me that death Prince." Nico lunged at her.

Hazel prepped herself an impact that never came.

"Chill out, both of you!" Bianca grabbed her brothers arm dragging him to sit next to her. "I know we're all on edge tonight, because you both you both are the age of 15 your both expected to at least have a spouse picked out." She sat straight folding her hands in her lap.

"It's not that I'm worried." Hazel said sitting proper but not folding her hands " it's just I'm scared that the spouse father picked doesn't love me or even respects me." Bianca patted their hands.

'Easy for them to say I have no one. Once they decided, they leave. Tonights the last night I have with Bianca for her choice is announced in front all the kingdoms.' He looked to his sisters laughing about something 'I don't even have a clue to who is chosen for me.' Bianca touched his hand.

"You remember the law. We are to keep the peace between the kingdoms." She sighed "we are to do what's best for our kingdom even if we don't like the out come."

'The kingdoms don't even respect us.' Thought Nico.

"But no sense in dwelling on it. Let's enjoy our last night togther." She smiled gripping both of her siblings hands.

"Ok." Nico and Hazel looked in each others eyes with worry.

Once arriving late they snuck in through the back and made their way to their table where the children of the big 3 sat. Luckily for them none of the of the others weren't there.

"Nico what's up? Man you guys are so late." Once seated they looked to see Percy Jackson of Poseidon kingdom strolling toward them. His suit was traditional for his family. 3 piece, each piece a darker shade blue, his collar open with no tie, his hair untidy. Nico noticed it all every little detail. Even the laugh lines slowly appearing in the corners of his mouth. His eyes sea green making his face look more beautiful than the jewels in the entire kingdom.

"Hey Jackson, what up?" Hazel took over the conversation once Nico started to look else where.

"Man my dads trying to convince me to change my mind about something." He ran his hand through his hair. Nico felt really embarrassed, he can't even hold a conversantion with Percy. He looked to see Annabeth daughter and citizen of Athena kingdom trying to get Percy's attention. Her hair pinned back only a couple of blonde strands in her face. Her dress he noticed had a collar with a blue tie. It took a minute to realise it was Percys. His heart sank lower into his stomach. He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the sky children sit down.

"Nico?' He shot out of his trance to see Jason Grace sitting besides him. His face brighting by the Prince of Hades stareing at him.

"Hey Grace, why are you and your sis out of 'proper attire'" Percy asked as he stareing horrified at a smoked salmon. Nico looked, Jason was out of 'dress code'. His hair out of place, lined with sweat. His shirt nothing but an ordinary t-shirt as well as his jeans (not even new ones, old ones with holes in the knees.)

He looks at Jason "Your father is gonna blow a hole in the O-zone, you know that right?" Jason just stretched his arms over his head laughing.

"If he does I'll just stay in the back, I don't give two rats a-" Nico shoved a slice of bread into his mouth.

"Shush, stop trying to be macho" Nico bite into his own slice of bread. "It's not very becoming of you." He smiled. Jason just ate his bread a smirk forming on his lips.

"Thalia, why are you guys so late?" Percy looked to the jet-black haired girl, her battle suit black tairs in the sleeves and legs. Jason stiffened, Nico looked questionly at him.

"There was a wild hog threatening Demeter's healing herbs." She ran a hand through her hair. "So while everyone was getting all pretty. Jason and myself simply ran over there and well let's just say Demeter got a nice offering." She smirked, Nico's eyes widened.

"You killed a poor hungry boar!" The Hades children shrieked.

"No, hog not boar, and anyway it had rabies." Their eyes widened in horror.

"So the poor thing was sick and you didn't take it to us!" Hazel said her voice getting louder. Nico sighed as Jason's eyes sadden.

Jason had known the pigs of the forest region were the only animals brave enough to willingly to enter the grounds, because of this the Hades children were very fond on them.

"Hazel you need to calm down. It's not their fault the boar was sick. There was nothing we could have done." Nico sighed not daring to look Jason in the eyes. Hazel choked back I cry, but stayed quiet. Bianca handed her a napkin. She dabbed her eyes thankful for water-proof mascara. All was quiet, until three guards walked up to their table.

"It's time."


I hope you guys liked it. Remember


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