Unexpected News

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  Author's Note: This is my new Songbird/Descendants/Liv and Maddie story. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you thought so far. 

  "Hey you okay," Nico asked his girlfriend as he watched her take deep breaths in and out as she looked like she was trying to stop herself from throwing up again which she had been doing every day for almost a month now.

Sara just slowly nodded before getting the nauseous feeling again as she ran straight to the bathroom and emptied her stomach again. Sara just didn't get it. She was immune, so why was she so sick right now?

"Sara, are you sure you're okay? You've been throwing up for weeks now like non stop," Nico told his girlfriend who just nodded as she wiped off her mouth.

"I know but I don't have a fever so I don't get it. Maybe it's just a stomach bug," Sara told Nico who nodded. "Okay but are we sure that you're immune because we never really did get that checked," Nico told Sara who just sighed.

"I don't know. I mean I thought I was but maybe I'm not. Oh gosh what if I do have the virus!" Sara cried out as she couldn't help it her emotions were all over the place lately as well. She didn't know why but they just were.

"Okay calm down Sara let's not jump to conclusions here. We still don't know. We do have temp check in the morning though," Nico told Sara who just nodded as she started crying again as she was scared.

"What if I do have the virus and I'm not really immune," Sara asked Nico who just pulled her close to him as he just held her.

"Then I'll take care of you. No matter what it's going to be okay. I love you Sara," Nico told his girlfriend, making her smile as she placed her head down on him.

"And I love you too Nico. I'm just scared," Sara told her boyfriend who just slowly nodded as he ran his fingers through her hair just trying to calm her down.

He was panicking too, but it wouldn't help either of them if they both started panicking. Early the next day the two were woken up when the alarm went off on their phones making them both groan as they knew exactly what that was.

"Great it's temp check time," Sara told Nico who just slowly nodded as he hugged her. "You'll be fine I promise. Do you want me with you or," Nico asked as Sara who just shook her head no as she wanted to do this alone.

Nico just nodded as he got the message and got up leaving Sara alone as she did her temp check. "3...2...1...scanning. All clear, but congratulations you're pregnant!" The phone called out after finishing the temp check making Sara freeze as she tried to take in the words.

Finally after a few more seconds of shock Sara felt the tears start to flow down as she didn't know what to do. They were still in a pandemic. How could she bring a baby into this world right now?

And not to mention how was Nico going to respond. They had known each other for years however they had barely been together in person.

"Sara are you okay! I hear crying! What's going on! Come on Sara, you can talk to me!" Nico called out after hearing Sara's cries making Sara try to compose herself as she knew she was going to have to tell Nico now.

Sara just carefully wiped off her tears as she opened the door and Nico took one look at her tear stained face as he immediately ran to her and just hugged onto her.

"What's going on? You're positive aren't you? It's okay I'll take care of you. We'll get through this together," Nico rambled out, making Sara smile a little at how much he cared for her, making her really love him more. As more tears slipped out.

"Um I did test positive for something but not covid," Sara quietly told Nico, making him look at her in confusion as he didn't get it.

"What do you mean? What did you test positive for if it's not covid," Nico asked Sara as he didn't understand what she was trying to say making Sara sigh as she just held up her phone as she handed it to Nico.

Nico just looked at the phone in confusion not understanding what Sara was saying until he saw the scan and the words on the screen as he just kept staring at the phone not knowing what to do or say.

"Is this real," Nico asked Sara while still in shock, making Sara cry again as she nodded.

"I was hoping it was a false alarm but the other tests I just took all said the same. I'm pregnant," Sara told Nico as she pulled out 3 more pregnancy tests all with positive signs on them that she had managed to steal a few weeks ago.

"We're gonna be parents?" Nico asked Sara after looking at all 4 tests making Sara slowly nod as she didn't know how to take this. "Yeah we are," Sara quietly told Nico, making him laugh as he started jumping up and down excitedly.

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD! I'M GONNA BE A DAD! I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" Nico screamed out excitedly as he hugged Sara tightly as he was just so excited to become a father while Sara was still trying to process it all.

She had always wanted to be a mom, but not like this. In the middle of a pandemic. But she had to admit seeing Nico so excited did make her smile as he was so excited to be a dad which she found adorable. And she did have to admit that the thought of a tiny baby calling her mommy someday did make her smile.

She just really wished it wasn't under these circumstances in the middle of a deadly pandemic and during a lockdown as well. 

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