Dear Diary: Chapter 4

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Yes I'm still standing outside the school like bread, acting like I'm not, hold up 5 minutes late...

Yikes I need to bounce. I rushed but not ran, as elegant as a rushing late and unfit teenager can, to the front desk.

"H-h-hi I-I'm supposed phew sorry miss" I said out of breath bent at a 90 degree angle at the reception, I saw as I rushed into the school.

Concerned the lady at the reception came out of the reception cubicle "Um hey sweetie are you alright?" She asked as she redirected me to a near by chair.

After I finally caught my breath I answered " yes miss I'm fine, erm it's my first day today and I don't know where to go"

A lightbulb must have lit inside of her or something as realisation swiftly covered her face.

"Ah you must be Y/N Johnson, right?"
I nod.

"Follow me"

I stood up and walked down the hallway, the halls  lacked presents probably due to the fact that all the students were in class.

Ooo how excited, first school hallway I've ever walked. I really hope I get to stay long enough to get the full Highschool experience package.

The receptionist lead me to a grand Door and told me to the the receptionists in there my name and she will redirect me to the Principal.

I followed her instructions. I opened the door and heard out high hills click down the hall way until I couldn't hear them anymore, walked into the room.

I was greeted by the receptionist and proceeded to tell her my name. She redirected me into a room. I stood in front of the door.

Phew this is it. I'm meeting the principal. I fixed my hair and straightened my uniform.
I heard a cough behind me. I tense up remembering there is someone else in the room. I guess that's my cue to go in.

I knocked and after a few second heard a deep raspy voice telling me to come in.

I open the door a little to see an old yet well build man with dual toned hair, brown and white. Damn men this old should never look this good.

When I fully opened the door, I saw a student sitting on the opposite of his deck having a friendly conversation. Wow he was so handsome, if my father allowed me to have a boyfriend he would definitely be first pick.

The Principal stood up from he chair. "Welcome to South Hill Highschool, I'm Principal Perry" he said cheerfully as he gestures me to sit on the chair next to the other student.

"You must be Y/N Johnson" He said stretching out his arm to shake it.

"Yes sir that me haha" I said nervously as I shook his hand.

He gestures to the boy next to me and explained "this is Kim Namjoon, a great student in South Hill High, racking up As in all of this subjects. I don't know how he does it but he is a priceless student at our school" he said serious, the cheery smile from before has vansished.

"Ah yes I'm Kim NamJoon but people call me RM" he said facing me as he reached out to also shake my hand with a gentle smile.

"Ah nice to meet you, RM" I said with a smile.

Our get to know each other meeting was interrupted by a deep chesty cough, coming from principle Perry direction.

"RM here will be your buddy for a few weeks and show you around this school and teach you the ropes as he has been previously informed that you have been homeschool." He said as he hands me my timetable.

"You and RM have all the same classes so there will be no excuse for you two to be separated, I except you guys to be together all day at all times for the next few weeks,If you have any questions Miss Johnson please state them now?"

Yikes, what kind of multiple personality disorder is this. What happened to the nice cheerful guy who welcomed me.

I snack a peek at RM and he seems pretty uncomfortable now as his head was bowed and was fidgeting with his hands, but then again who wouldn't be.

"N-no sir, I don't have any questions" I replied trying to sound as confident as I can.

"Great! You may now experience your first day of school at South Hill High" he laughed.

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Booom! A new chapter.

I was supposed to update it like 2 days a go but I got lazy-

Anywhooo enjoy


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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