The End

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The Team found themselves in a cave, counters surrounded the walls. but there was a crack of moonlight, in the light hung a bat-shaped creature. It turned around and landed with a laugh.

   I See you got through Nightmare Moon. and the elements." Twilight stood up "We got you Badgerclaw. Surrender the elements." 

   Badgerclaw cackled, showing his long fangs. Sky was shocked how much he changed since the last time they saw eachother. 

Badgerclaw's ears had changed so cat-like. His hooves were scaly and splattered red. His wings had become demon-dragon like. His tail was now furry but had yellow and purple spikes, like a dragon tail. His eyes had turned red, his pupils indicated his bloody gaze. Badgerclaw would never be recognized as the timid, white-maned, Badgerpaw Sky had known. 

"Really? Well. This should be interesting, seeing I get to actually kill a brine this time instead of neutralizing one." Twilight's eyes flashed with doubt.

  "I can taste your doubt and fear. Princess Twilight Sparkle." he said, holding Twilight's chin with his tail. Twilight pulled her face from him and narrowed her eyes "We have the elements you phsycopath!" she growled and he grinned "I guess I am a bit- disharmonic?" Fluttershy froze.

   "By the way. I found some old friends of yours. Ponies." and he grinned, turning slightly and clapping his hooves together. Cages lowered from the ceiling and everyone gasped.

"Trixxie?! Sombra?! Chrysalis?!" Rainbow nearly screamed "Discord!" Fluttershy screamed, catching the dragonquis' attention "Fluttershy!!" he yelled back. 

  "Don't forget.. I have someone else." and a black figure appeared in a empty cage. Everyone cried out in shock. 


  His frame was thin, he shook all over. His mane had hints of blood and his wings hung broken at his sides. His horn had wire wrapped so tightly around it that blood dripped down his face. Badgerpaw looked up, but his eyes were horrifying as his body. They were glassy and red from crying. His mouth opened and a strangled sob that shook his body came out. 

 "What have you done?!" Sky cried out. Nightmare Pony shrugged "Well. I got enough power to give him a body. Of course when he heard his little friends had turned the way they had. He was easy to break down." and the cage lowered, Nightmare Pony brushing Badgerpaw's  cheek. "He's lucky he survived." turning back to the group before him he put on a sadistic smile. 

  "Now. You were saying?" Twilight turned to everyone else, "P-Positions." she cursed herself silently for letting doubt fill her voice.

Twilight closed her eyes as the mane six lined up, their necklaces and her tiara glowing. Then it all connected and Badgerclaw was swallowed up in a rainbow light.

   When the light faded the team looked around "Is it over?" but a loud laughing frightened them.

"You really thought Elements of Harmony could hurt me?" and everyone spun around to see Nightmare Pony standing proudly, The only difference was his mane was slightly burnt and his wings were also burnt. "I-It didn't work?!" Twilgith shrieked and he landed in front of her "Of course not."

  Twilight stared "B-But the elements defeat all evil!" And Nightmare Pony just laughed, wrapping his tail around her neck and pulling her to him. "Really? I guess I'm not evil... TIREK!" he shouted and Tirek's tiny form found its way into the light. "Yes?" Nightmare Pony lashed out, Tirek screamed as Badgerclaw niped his arm, licking the blood onto his tongue. "Leave." he growled and Tirek was chained into a cage.

 "Now... For the power." and Badgerclaw's eyes flashed pure purple and yellow. His body surrounded in a red aura, then everyone realized he was growing more tails, growling and snarling as it happened. "Yes...YES!!!" he screeched, Twilight's face turning a dark shade of blue as the enhancing tail wrapped around her body, squeezing the life out of her. Finally the aura faded and nightmare Pony turned, and several tails sprung up from his back, grabbing the mane 6 and squeezing them. With a grin, Badgerclaw's eye twitched as magic flowed from the elements into his glowing eyes. Finally badgerclaw dropped the mane 6, letting them land with a dull thud like ragdolls. Ty ran over to Twilight, helping her up.

  "The elements! They're useless against him!" Pinkie screamed and there was a growl. "Stop." Badgerclaw stopped and turned "Silence pathetic Chrysalis. You don't have a reason now do you?" he snapped turning back to the others he grinned "Silverpaw. We need Silverpaw." Sky answered and Seto spuna round "She's dead Adam! She can't help us!" a silence followed.

"W-What?" Badgerclaw smiled "What a pity, She was a beautiful girl." and his tail wrapped aroudn Adam pulling her closer. "You couldn't possibly have prevented her death other than the fact you could have killed Nightmare Moon faster instead of land useless blows." Adam frowned and looked down. "Adam...You saw her die?" Adam nodded "She wanted to stay with Starclan." He heard a soft growl fill the empty cavern. 

  "Badgerclaw." Badgerclaw turned only to be knocked over by a pony his exact size. "You murderer! Tormentor! YOU KNEW SHE WOULD DIE!" he screamed and Badgerclaw smiled "Well aren't you so smart." he sneered, kicking off Badgerpaw. "Y-You had her die in vain...for that..." he looked up, his eyes losing their glassy look. "I will kill you." and he reared up, two wings that had seemed broken minutes before were so angelic that Celestia couldn't compare. He lunged forward, sending his hooves into Badgerclaw's face.

Badgerclaw pulled out a sword, lunging forward and sending it through a wing. Badgerpaw shrieked, biting down on Badgerclaw's neck. Badgerclaw twisted his leg, snapping it.  Badgerpaw let out a shrill scream of pain and he fell to the ground. Rolling over and spinning around, only to be slashed across the throat, sending large amounts of blood spilling across the ground. Badgerpaw fell onto the ground twitching and convulsing "NOO!" Adam shrieked. Badgerpaw turned. "Elements." he groaned before his head twitched and fell with a slap into the bloody puddle.  Right then aura's surrounded the team. 

"Leadership." Badgerpaw coughed, the aura around Sky brightened

"Pvp" Mitch's aura brightened

"Parkour." Ty's aura glowed

"Gah,.....Survival" Jerome's aura glowed

"C-Creation." Seto's aura brightened.

 "Creatures." Jason's aura lit up.

"Water." Husky's aura glowed

~If I forget anyone I apoligize~

"F-Frost..." and Badgerpaw went limp.

  the room was silent. "The flower." Sky gasped

 She held something to her chest. I realized it was a flower. I looked at it and so did Fluttershy."Its from Badgerpaw."

In a flash of gold the flower appeared before Sky. Badgerpaw opened his eyes and gasped. 

A blue aura surrounded the flower, it was soon shared with by a yellow aura. "What the?" Badgerpaw smiled. "Silverpaw's home." he answered and in a flash he was on top of Badgerclaw, with a loud battle yowl, he sank his teeth into Badgerclaw's neck. Badgerclaw shrieked and they seemed to merge in a red and black aura.

   Sky opened his eyes, only to find himself in his house, looking around in confusion he saw all his friends. "We made it home!" Sky yelled. Noticing a peice of paper on a box. Picking it up he looked at it.

  Dear Sky. The elements instantly teleported you home. It was similiar to Badgerpaw and Silverpaw. When we went back through the castle her body was grey and didn't look like her at all. Badgerpaw left you a letter as well.

  Dear Adam. Thank you, for everything. You listened and trusted me when everyone was in doubt. When Silverpaw died, she gave you the flower, she somehow managed to teleport home. Once I finish this letter I too will return home. I wish I could say goodbye personally but due to the current title I am given by the public, its induable. Twilight would have to clear it. I will certainly miss you, seeing we may never meet again. Twilight reversed Herobrine's dark magic so i am normal again. I will miss you. Thank you for pulling out the flower. It gave me a surge of strength to return to my body.  Sincerely~Badgerpaw

Sky sighed but he stood up and ran upstairs. Setting up his minecraft for yet another recording. He would have to forget Badgerpaw. But he never forgot the blue and yellow flower that lay in the box of elements.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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