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SO WHERE WERE we? -Oh yeah, we were at the part where Romeo Darcy, our awesome yet awkward protagonist is about to talk to the most popular girl in school

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SO WHERE WERE we? -Oh yeah, we were at the part where Romeo Darcy, our awesome yet awkward protagonist is about to talk to the most popular girl in school.

In a sense, Sabrina was sort of his dream girl. Even though he never had any ambitions to pursue her, he still had a soft spot for her and didn't know why. Romeo would always check up on her life, what she was doing, who she was with, every once in a while on social media.

As stalker-ish and weird as that sounds, it was always with good intentions mixed with curiosity— I promise.

And don't act like you don't have a midnight stalking session on your phone every once in a while, it's a little therapeutic.

Plus, it wasn't hard to know what Sabrina was doing, her life was always a trending topic in St Vincent High.

Maybe Romeo could get her. Correction, try to get this dream girl without doing something tremendously stupid. There's a possibility this could go outstandingly well and Sabrina might start to like him.

Romeo, we're rooting for you kiddo.

Just swoon her with your southern charm, good Darcy genes and love of literature. Start quoting Shakespeare or something, just not too loud or Juliet Marceè might come running.

But as Romeo stared at the white empyrean Georgian styled mansion with it's arched windows that contained the Lovie family, it became more clear that this was real, not in his head for once.

He took his helmet off so he could properly take in his surroundings.

The mansion stood there, next to the long lake that lead to the North Atlantic Ocean with mighty trees embracing around it, white chrysanthemums and roses and little ducklings waddling past. The Lovie home was straight out of a movie scene, different to anything on Green Beach.

"Here goes nothing." He whispers to himself.

He wasn't the best at talking to people let alone popular people in his school, there was just something strangely intimidating about them.

He gets off his bike and retrieves the two pizza boxes from the top-box of his motorbike, and the annoying baseball cap that read out 'Benny's' with a pizza logo which he detested.

So, what do guys wear when they're going to talk to a girl they've been borderline stalking for four years? Well not stalking, just watching her around school here and there like creep at times.

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