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IN ORDER FOR us to really grasp this story, we must understand the people within it. One of those people is of course, Sabrina Lovie. Art enthusiast, poem writing, party loving, southern princess with a tough yet crumbling heart. Under the surface, Sabrina's heart was aching.

The anxiety was crippling, but she wore a mask of out-going, always jokey, life of the party girl. When it would erode you'd see her thoughts fought with her. Constantly. She believed she couldn't be loved or love properly. Maybe it was because of her mother.

"We're out the back if anyone asks!" Sabrina calls out, slamming the back door behind her.

Sabrina is daughter to Collin Ambrose Lovie, retired rodeo legend in South Carolina who now spent his days selling properties to wealthy couples in Palm Square.

He sustained a leg injury from his rodeo and horseback days that mentally scared him forever; Collin also had a strained relationship with his father so naturally, he was too lenient with his kids.

"Layton, have you seen the documents I put down, I swear they were right here. Everything goes missin' in this house." Abigail mutters to herself, looking around.

Sabrina was also stepdaughter to Abigail Lovie; Who is a British magazine editor at day and socialite at night; organising exclusive events. She was once a victim of domestic abuse but she overcame. Her life turned around when she met Collin and moved to the states.

"Nope, but my Victoria sponge cake is done, wanna try some?" Layton asks with her oven gloves that were way too big for her still on.

Her younger sister, Layton Iris Lovie, was a young twelve year old chef and baker in the making, you needed a triple layer cake? Layton had you covered.

"I'll have some." Peter insists, coming down the stairs. "Oh wait, I already took a slice." He sniggers.

"What, no, I didn't say you could have any!" Layton was beyond fed up with her older brother, he was staying with them for the summer since college was over.

What a treat.

"Well it was on the kitchen counter, it was practically calling out my name to have some." He laughs, making 'cake eating' gestures.

"Ooooh, I'm gonna kill yo-"

-Her older brother, Peter Collin Lovie was a jerk, not because he wanted to. All the hurt, neglect and issues buried in his heart naturally turned into resentment and rudeness. I kind of feel bad for the kid. Deep down, he was a sweetheart.

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