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the start before the start

MEET ROMEO DARCY, the admirer. Who you'll come to find out makes terrible mistakes in this book. But, he also does some pretty epic stuff. But mostly stupid stuff.

You'll never find him without a book, he's kind of strange and awkward but not too awkward. Well, tries not to be. He's not really a social butterfly either; more of a sad yet kind moth. He's also more of an observer than talker. He always has been.

History is his favourite subject and he knows his way around computers; I'll give it to him, the kid is smart. Even though he doesn't like to show it.

But with all that aside, today we start at Vincent Shore. What is Vincent shore you ask? Well it's the home of our admirer, Romeo Darcy, in South Carolina.


"Son, I'll need you to get this order up to Palm Square!" Romeo's dad, Cory, shouts as he walks out from the kitchen with two pizza boxes.

Ever heard the saying, 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer' ? That's how it is in Vincent Shore. It was clear to see who was getting richer and who was getting poorer on these endless barrier islands.

To most people living in Green Beach, the less wealthier side of Vincent shore, their small businesses and day jobs were their backbone for survival.

"Put the God damn book down boy! We got orders to get out." His father demands, frustrated.

Romeo worked side by side with his father at his restaurant, Benny's Pizza Place.

But right now, he was in a world of his own; he enjoyed working with his father but he often got side tracked. Like all the time.

Peacefully, he was sat in the seating booth of his dads restaurant, earphones in, reading The Great Gatsby.

"Romeo I won't tell you twice! We are running out of time!" Fury was now building up in his father, who wiped the sweat off his face and glared at his son who was oblivious to his shouting.

Cory wasn't an angry person. He was just.... Punctual. He didn't mean to shout his words. They just came out like that. You see, he fought in Iraq and got two medals. Shouting and punctuality was kind of embedded in him.

Although his loud voice was inaudible to Romeo, he was still able to tell his dad was talking to him by his angry gestures and facial expression.

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