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      SAWYER ADAMS when walking home today, lost his balance over a ledge and fell into the cliffs of North Carolina

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SAWYER ADAMS when walking home today, lost his balance over a ledge and fell into the cliffs of North Carolina. Where wolves, twice his size, demolished him in one bite. Leaving no traces.

That was the last time anyone ever saw him.

I wish.

As narrator, I'd like to have this omniscient power to direct the story and everyone's actions but unfortunately it wasn't in the contract. Plus, you think Sawyer Adams walks home? Maybe he would if his BMW broke down or his private chauffeur died.

But instead, right now, he's storming out of detention.

"Thanks to you thugs, we'll be getting suspended! Which means we can kiss our final days of high school goodbye and possibly our first choice colleges." Sawyer gets up from his desk, grabbing his backpack angrily.

Of course he was storming out before it even started.

Mrs Lou, who was a school librarian and also in charge of detention tonight, frowns. "Where are you going Mr Adams?"

Let me clarify that she's been working at St Vincent High School since like the dinosaur age. The woman was ancient. Which meant, naturally she didn't know what the hell was going on most of the time.

"Vietnam." Sawyer answers back sarcastically, slamming the door.

"Oh okay dear, have a safe flight." Her old voice croaks, she leans back in her chair and snoozes.

See? Totally clueless.

But I mean, bless her cotton socks. She's old and confused. Also probably the worst person to have in charge of detentions.

"Do you think he's going to sue us?" Jodie asks, unbothered.

"Adjoa." Ruben starts, addressing Jodie by her full name. "He most definitely is going to sue us. It's Sawyer."

"You know, Sabrina, your mother was in my detentions." Mrs Lou mumbles, half asleep. She adjusts her red glasses. "Her and your father would sneak off."

Sabrina's mother was nothing but a stranger to her that reminded her of diabolic times.

"Nice." She mutters from her desk.

Jodie was across the room on the window sill, carving out her initials nonchalantly into the decaying wood. TJ, was bored out of his mind with his feet up on the desk, toothpick in his mouth. Whilst Ruben, sat sensibly in his seat, a little anxious.

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