Romeo Darcy; he's handsome, a little awkward and indulges in literature in his spare time. Sabrina Lovie; princess of St Vincent High, art lover and has more friends than a population of a small island somewhere.
Both from different worlds, differe...
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A MOMENT IN time changes everything. That change can last for centuries or impact a whole century. When colonists discovered the New World. The slave trade. When Hitler sent troops into Poland. World War Two.
That's what fascinated Romeo about History.
The same concept could be applied with feelings, a moment in time can change your feelings on something forever. Just one moment. That's what Romeo needed.
"RD, you got the goods?" Jodie says out loud, taking a seat next to the desk Romeo was on.
"Can you keep your voice down?" Romeo whispers harshly. "When you say it like that it sounds like I'm running a drug ring."
He fishes the History homework he had done for Jodie out his bag and hands it to her.
Jodie smiles, skim reading through the work. "I know I can always count on you."
Jodie Bankole had been one of Romeo's best friends since Freshman year. When she wasn't playing tennis and practising to be the next Serena Williams, running Fashion Club or fighting racial injustices; she hung out with Ruben, TJ and Romeo.
She was the only girl Romeo could talk to without the Sabrina slip up we witnessed at the start.
Plus TJ, Romeo and Ruben kind of all had a thing for her.
"You know I would've done this but I had a tennis game and I couldn't lose." Jodie explains putting the homework in her bag.
"Well, did you bring home the big W?" Romeo asks, waiting on Jodie's answer.
She pauses, shuffling around in her seat, building up suspense.
"You know I did! Got the gold baby, beat her fair and square!" Jodie smiles, high-fiving a proud Romeo.
"Can I get in on this high five action?" Ruben walks into class and sits on his desk. "And guys you'll never guess what I heard. Apparently Miss Gene is banging the jani-"
"Who's banging who? Wait did it work?" TJ cheers, racing into class. "Romeo's banging a Palm Square chick!"
A couple students that were in the class turn their heads.
"What? Keep your voice down you dumbo." Ruben warns.
Jodie looks at TJ like he's on crack. "I'm sorry, who?"
"Sabrina Lovie." Ruben explains to Jodie. "We made a pact that if he takes her to prom, TJ will make his movie project for TSFF about him, and if he doesn't, he has to go with Juliet Marceè."