Chapter 29 Ingredient Hunt

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Nya's Pov (Movie)

I let out a few heavy sighs. I then glanced up at the floating bounty and gave a thumbs-up.

"Thanks guys!" I called out to Tincan and Hothead. The lava monsters were getting too close for comfort, but both of them showered the rest of the creatures with their combined powers.

I glanced over at my copy hugging Motormouth. You could see his blushing cheeks before he hugged her back. I never knew how close those two were. My eyes trailed off to the warehouse where I saw my Jay with Cole's copy and the two gang members. A smile grew over my cheeks, but it stopped once I noticed their distant looks. I rushed over to the group, nearly trampling over several recovered gang members who were still fumbling everywhere.

"What's wrong?" Lloyd beat me to the question by the time I reached them. Jay looked to me, and I could see his body trembling.

"The whole room... everything... it's gone..." Jay muttered while clutching his arms. I stared at him a moment more, blinking a few times.

"Wha..." Cole asked once he reached us. He lowered his headphones.

"WHAT!?" I shouted while gripping the sides of my hair. "How are we going to reverse this apocalypse now?!"

"You and Nya could try bringing in the tides to cover the city?" Cole's copy suggested.

"Yeah, and then all the citizens can drown right after changing back!" I snapped.

"Maybe we can pick up more ingredients?" my copy suggested as the rest of the group joined us.

"I don't think this realm carries magical tea ingredients like in Ninjago," Quill said.

"Hey, we have powers just like you guys. Our worlds can't be that different," Cole piped in.

"It's possible. Do you know any place we could get something like that?" my copy asked, looking over to Lloyd. Our leader blinked a few times once he noticed all eyes were on him.

"Why are you asking me?"

"You're related to a man with black skin, red eyes, AND four arms... if any of us would know magical places, then it would be you," I explained.

"Uh, I guess, but that guy was gone for most of my life, remember?" Lloyd remarked. I winced at the reminder.

"Right... sorry."

"But uncle may know a place."

"What place?"

"AAH!" all of us screamed at the sudden sight of our teacher standing a few feet away from me.

"Would you cut that out?! Not even our Wu sneaks up that much!" Motormouth spat. Master Wu snickered before turning to Quill.

"What kind of ingredients do you need?" he asked. Mr. Spectacles pondered on the thought.

"I think I remember the ingredients... but there were so many different tea recipes... I don't think it will be right."

"Come on, Quill. We gotta try, right?" Stellar added. We all glanced over at her, and she noticed our stares.

"Your annoying optimism is rubbing off on me, alright?" she replied, causing me to smirk.

"Okay, okay... it was the Lavaburst Tea he used, right? Well... then we would need a dragon claw, a flower grown from Shintaro, pure water from the element of water, and a dash of tiger widow's venom--"

"Whoa, whoa, wait tiger widow's venom? That kills a person!" Motormouth shouted.

"Not when it's mixed with the dragon claw. The pure element of creation from the claw counters the deadly affects of the venom," Quill explained.

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