Taking a Chance

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The day after my break with Hotch I avoided Garcia like the plague. She already was guessing I liked Hotch, I didn't need to confirm it for her.

It was 10:30 am and I was at my desk looking over some cases when a familiar figure looked over my shoulder.

"Hello y/ln." I swiveled my chair around to see Hotch smiling down at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"Better after yesterday." I said trying not to say anything too embarrassing. I'm used to floundering in-front of guys I like and I wasn't gonna do it with Hotch. He was so collected I couldn't let him think I'm a mess.

"Good, so hey I'm gonna head out early today and pick up some lunch at subway since my son forgot to make his this morning. Uh Anything you want? My treat." He asked hesitantly.

"Oh um sure!" I said. I never noticed Hotch but lunch for coworkers. I placed my order and Hotch walked off. I stared off at him as he walked away, smiling wildly to myself.

"OH MY GOD Y/N!!!!"

I whipped around to see a shocked blonde with a goofy expression on her face. Scattered papers were lying across the floor where she stood. "No-no no don't even say it Penelope-" I warned her, walking over to help pick up the sheets she dropped. "I KNEW IT!" She yelled with a grin. "Do you want everyone in here to know??" I groaned. She giggled and we both stood up. Her eyes lit up like starlight and I couldn't help but smile a little. "When did you two get so friendly? Did he just buy you lunch? He never buys lunch! What even-" Garcia's questions came flying at me with little time for answers. Thankfully one of my coworkers ran over to us.

"Hey! Y/ln grab your camera, the team just got back from a case that needs photos!"

"Oh alright!" I said and ran over to my desk and grabbed my bag. Garcia watched me with intent. "Ok listen there's a lot to cover but I promise I'll tell you everything later." I said as I was getting ready to leave. Garcia whipped out her phone and started typing quickly. "Uh whatcha doin?" I asked. She held her finger up to my face and didn't reply until the typing stopped. My phone started to buzz and I pulled it out of my pocket.
✨4Lifers GC✨
Garcia: Hi guys! So apparently y/n has some crazy news for us so tonight we're all gonna come over my place for a girls night :D !!!!

JJ: ooo drama? I'm in-

Emily: eh why not I'll come with

Garcia: nice! See you guys at 6:00 pm!

"Did you seriously just plan a sleep over in our group chat while I'm standing right here." I asked not a all surprised. She smiled wide "yup! Giving you time to get to work AND for you to explain everything!" I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Fine! See you at 6:00!"

~later at Garcia's~
I walked over to Garcia's front door and knocked on it. After a few moments JJ opened the door. She was wearing a gray university hoodie and blue sweatpants. "There you are! Cmon we're all waiting for you and the big news!"

I rolled my eyes at her with a laugh. Walking in Garcia's apartment was like walking through a hallmark gift shop. Signs where plastered on the wall with a wide array of sayings and photos. Her shelves where stacked with little trinkets and small stuffed animals. Every time I visit I always like to look around to see her collection.

JJ led me to Garcia's bed room where four sleeping bags laid on the wooden floors. Bowls of candy and junk food where also set up amongst the room. Emily was sitting on a bean bag chair sipping out of a soft green mug. Garcia was sitting on her bed with her army of stuffed animals wearing a matching set of cat pajamas.

Hotch X Y/N (written by someone who's never seen Cm)Where stories live. Discover now