An Introduction

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An Introduction

Hello Everyone Thank you everyone for clicking on this story. I just want to make a introduction to tell you about yourself. Please vote if neccisery.
Your name is L/N Y/N. Your parents died when you were only 3 years old. You've got kidnapped by a woman that raised you as your own child for 5 years until one day she abandoned you. You lived on the streets for about 7 years. Until you've bought yourself a very small apartment/house for the money you've been saving for 8 years. You live alone. Until one day you suddenly got Into U.A (I will explain how in the story I don't want to spoil the story too much for you)
Your Quirk: Paralization
Undiscovered Quirk

Your Quirk is Paralization, just as it sounds you can paralize anyone you look at with your right eye for 2 minutes. They won't be able to move but they will be able to speak and breath so you won't harm anyone. Your quirk cannot be controlled or stopped. You have a second quirk which I will reavel soon in the story.
Your 15 (at the start of the story)

The first few chapters will focus on your back story and how you got into U.A
Your Personality:
You really don't talk that much neither smile, but when someone pisses you off they better run.

You love to draw in your free time but you kind of hate when people peep into your sketchbook

Your pretty smart since for someone that never went to school but you homeschooled yourself.

You dont really like being around girls but you do hang out with them time to time.

Also you have trauma
I taught of your Hero Name as Ghoul but if you don't like it then please comment if you have a different suggestion
I'll be adding some spicy scenes in this story so please comment if you want a warning or no?
Your appearance:

Your left eye is Red and your right eye is red (the eye where you use your quirk) You wear a black eyepatch to cover up your right eye to protect rhe people around you from your quirk.
Also you have a massive scar on your right side of your face nearly have of your face. You have a line that is worse than rest of the scar. Youll find out how you got this scar soon in the story.

Please like anf comment so I can start the story 😁

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