Chapter 32

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My arms hurt really bad and so did my face, but I can't give up now. Shoto is really strong sure, but I still have a chance to beat him. I just need to make sure he doesn't use his flames or else I'm screwed.

"Y/n you sure don't give up, it kinda reminds me of someone." I knew who Shoto was thinking about, but I couldn't get distracted by his little speeches.

I started to run towards him. "Ignoring me huh Y/n?" I didn't want to ignore him but I had to. I just kept running towards him.

He sighed. "Ok then Y/n I'm sorry if you get really hurt but this was your choice to make." Then he blasted a massive sheet of ice beneath my feet, which made me slip.

I hit my head on the ice. I put my hand where it was hurting and stood back up.

"AND SHES UP AGAIN." The crowd cheered.

"Y/n you should stop now."

"Shoto stop, I won't let you have an easy win, I'm not a weakling." I ripped off my eyepatch and paralyzed him.

I quickly ran up and tackled him.

"Maybe you should give up huh?" I held my hand up and activated my flames.

"Y/n HAS GOT THE ADVANTAGE." Announced Present Mic. I looked Shoto straight into his eyes. Then suddenly Shoto began to talk.

Todoroki's P.o.v

I didn't want to hurt Y/n, but this is what I had to do to win.

"Im sorry Y/n." She looked at me with her one red and gray eye, she looked like she was about to pass out so I knew this would take her out.

I made some ice and smashed it against Y/n's head. Midnight began coming up towards us to see what the situation is.

Y/n's P.O.V

"Y/n is O-" I punched Shoto in his rib.

"I'm not done yet." I tried to get back on my feet but Shoto pushed me off of him. I barely was able to get up, my legs were trembling from exhaustion.

"This is just another heavy workout." I cracked my knuckles.

"SHES UP AGAIN." The crowd started to cheer even louder.

I felt happy on the inside, like this is what I was meant to do. I got into position to fight again. I could tell how Shoto was going easy on me, he didn't want to hurt me. But it pissed me off, he is looking down at me like he is the god or something.

"DONT HOLD BACK ON ME SHOTO, I CAN HANDLE IT IVE BEEN THROUGH WAY WORSE THAN THIS AND SEE IM WELL AND ALIVE." I could barely stand on my own 2 feet but I couldn't look like a weakling.

I started to run towards him again. I felt like I was about to faint, but I had to keep going. Then when I got up close to Shoto I started to talk.

"I have to do this." I didn't even let him speak.

I bursted out my flames and started screaming from pain. Then suddenly I felt hot heat coming towards me. Shit did Shoto use his flames? Shit shit shit I wasn't meant to go this far, but I can't do anything now.

I couldn't see anything from my bright pink flames, but I just kept walking forward until I knew Shoto was right in front on me. I put both my hands on his shoulders and started to burn him.

"WE NEED TO STOP THIS, THEY ARE GOING TO FAR!" It was Midnight's voice.

I knew she was going to use her quirk on us, so I just gave in. I had no more strength to fight. My whole body hurt. I fell back and everything went black.

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