Chapter 2

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I woke up and checked the time it was 1:30pm already. I got up and brushed my teeth, then went over to make lunch.

I remebered what that weird guy told me to come to U.A to talk about something, its not like I had anything to do. So I decided to go after my lunch.

I walked over to the fridge to see there was nothing there. Of course there wasn't anything because I only baught ramen yesterday. I sighed as I walked over to put my shoes and jumper on.

While I was walking I  could feel my stomach hurting even more. It cant keep going on like this I have to buy food and eat, but I'll do that when I come back from U.A.

Time Skip

I finally arrived at U.A, it was a pretty long walk from my house to here. I walked up to the entrance gate to walk through and get this talk over with but then a big metal barrier came from the ground and covered the entrance.

"What the hell are they trying to kill me?" I started to get up and head home again until I saw the weird guy again. "I am so sorry for that scare Y/N" he said politely. "Come on in and just follow me."

I followed him to I guess the princepals office. "Sir may I ask why are we going to the Princepals office did I do something wrong??" I was really nervous about this, usually only bad kids go to the princepals office.

"No not at all Y/N, we are just here to have a little talk." So I guess he was the princepal of this school. I nodded and sat down on the puffy chair in front of his desk.

"So Y/N I was really confused when you said that you don't go to school why is that." He asked with a smile on his face. "Well um I never really had the oppurtunity to go to school, since I really lived alone for a few years and I never had the money to afford school." I scratched my head in embarrassment.

"Well I was thinking why won't you join U.A of course you will have to take a written exam and the physical one to get in so what do you think?"

I was shocked to hear this coming from the principal of the best school in Japan, but I couldn't accept I didnt have the money to afford the uniform or books so I said "Sorry sir I can't I dont have the money for this school."

"Its ok Y/N I will cover the costs if you pass the exams."

Back when Y/N bumped into Nezu

Nezu's P.O.V

L/N I heard that name before. Oh wait I got it. It cant be did she really survive that terrible accident.


"Its ok we got you no need to worry Atsui distract them while I get him out of here." said Sokudo while holding Nezu. "Ok honey."

"And we are out, how are you feeling?" "I feel amazing thank you very much Fox Fire I will one day thank you for this."

End of Flash back

That Day Atsui Hi L/N and Sokudo L/N  reascued me from the laboratory.
When I heard that they died in a car accident with their 3 year old daughter I was pretty sad. Until Y/N bumped into me and I had no hope that I could keep my promise I gave to her parents back then.


"Are you sure sir I don't want to cause any trouble, school already started 1 week ago so-" I was interrupted again.

"No of course it isnt a problem Y/N, come here to U.A tomarrow at 8am and you'll take the tests and you'll get the results, so rest and I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." "Ok sir I'll be there bye!"

I walked out of the school building and sighed 8am is he nuts thats way to early... I have to set an alarm then.

Before I went home I got some chicken and vegetables and made a chicken salad. At least it was better than the ramen I had nearly every single time.

When I finished my Salad, I went to start my new costumers order. My eyes started to get really heavy and soon I fell asleep.

End of Chapter 2.
I am so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I wrote this at 1am. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Here is a meme to finish off this chapter.

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