Sin City, USA

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(Y/N) found himself abandoned in the middle of a desert, with no signs of civilization in sight. He wandered north for probably a good few hours, before planting the Twilight Sword into the sand. He sat down next to it with a slight huff, looking around at his surroundings. There were a multitude of desert plants and rocks littering the ground, with a few reptiles here and there, but other than that it was quite boring.

It was midday and extremely hot, but the heat didn't bother (Y/N) in the slightest. It would be pretty stupid for the God of Fire to be worried about the high temperature. Besides, he was just in Muspelheim not that long ago. It was far hotter there than it was here.

"Where even am I? They could've at the very least given me a small idea of where I was sent." (Y/N) muttered, before listing all the realms off in his head, trying to pinpoint his location in the cosmos. "I must be in Midgard. Makes since. Of course they'd send me to the place where they can keep an eye on me easiest... those pricks."

The next hour passed by quicker than (Y/N) thought it would, he just spent his time hunting for any creatures he could find. After probably destroying the ecosystem in this area of the desert, (Y/N) had a large pile of reptiles and even a few mammals to eat. Using his powers to make a campfire, he cooked and ate his harvest. By this time, it was already getting dark in the desert.

"I wonder how long it has been on Asgard now. I know time moves differently there. Has it been multiple days? Months? Years?" (Y/N) asked no one in particular. Although he didn't like most of the people on Asgard, it was still where he lived most his life. Being exiled from his home was pretty distressing, especially for a "crime" he considered to be bullshit. At least he didn't have to worry about his pseudo-immortality running out.

Many considered Asgardians to be immortal beings, but that was actually inaccurate. They were actually very mortal. The gods aged just like humans did. The reason they lived eternally was all thanks to Idunn, who grew golden apples that when consumed, gave the Asgardian's their eternal lives. On Asgard, because time moved faster there, they would have to eat the apples more often in order to maintain their youth. On Midgard however, (Y/N) could live for centuries and possibly even millennia without worrying about that.

Once the Fire God was finished his extremely large meal, he continued to walk north. The desert was super boring. There was nothing to do and no one to talk with. (Y/N) just kicked a stone with his foot or lit random desert bushes on fire as he walked to keep himself entertained. It wasn't very effective, but it was better than nothing.

Eventually, after walking for three Earth days, he came to what looked like a city. Or at least what he assumed was a city. Honestly, (Y/N) couldn't tell. It was beautiful. A true sight for sore eyes. It was the dead of night and yet the buildings glowed a multitude of colors! It looked almost like the Bifrost. He ran towards the city without stopping. The god wanted to get out of the desert immediately.

Eventually, he made it to the megalopolis. It even had a large glowing sign, beckoning him to enter.


"Don't mind if I do." (Y/N) said to no one in particular, walking into the city. The god wanted to find some real food and a place to sleep that wasn't covered in rocks and sand. He soon learned that this was no small feat. Las Vegas turned out to be incredibly disorienting and he had no idea where to go. (Y/N) quickly realized he was lost. "Okay this might be a problem." He muttered, walking up to some random man to ask directions.

"Hello! I'm looking for a place to eat and sleep. You wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction would you?" He asked the man, very weary from his commune here.

"Hey! Stay back! You fucking weird!" The man said, backing away slowly. He seemed scared. Of what, (Y/N) did not know. He looked behind himself to see if there was anything there, but no dice.

Playing with Fire (Son of Loki Male Reader X Marvel Girls)Where stories live. Discover now