Solar Flare

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[ Wonder Man POV ]

Simon Williams was in shock. This couldn't be happening. Not only was the tower attacked, but he was fighting two of his former allies. Former friends. They weren't going easy on him either. They were playing for keeps. Vision and Sentry were throwing all they had at him. Wonder Man fought back of course, but it was difficult. Sentry was nigh-immortal. As far as Simon knew, nothing could kill him. The fact he was an enemy now was a huge problem. Not for just him, but for the whole world. This is the guy who supposedly has the power of "one million exploding stars". If that wasn't a problem enough, Vision's AI was modeled after his brain, which meant Vision could calculate ways to counter him easily.

Wonder Man grabbed Vision by the face and threw him, trying to gain some distance. Sentry flew over and Wonder Man punched him in the in the face, but it did next to nothing. Wonder Man continued his barrage against Sentry, hitting him with one strike after another. It was clear that wasn't going to work when Sentry grabbed Wonder Man by the wrist to stop his assault and kneeing him in the stomach. Sentry followed up by uppercutting Wonder Man, causing him to rocket into the sky. The hero caught himself in the air, before sending a barrage of ionic energy beams down at Sentry. He felt a laser burn up his spine, which was more distracting than painful. Vision had flown up behind him, attempting to grab the hero. Wonder Man dodged his lunge and returned by kicking Vision in the head.

Sentry tanked the blasts of energy and flew up as well, trapping the hero in between him and the synthazoid. Sentry threw the next punch, but Wonder Man narrowly dodged it. That only lead to Vision hitting him in the kidney instead.

[ Y/N POV ]

"So how long until Wonder Man gives up and let's those two kill him?" (Y/N) asked June, still watching the fight.

"Never. The hero types don't really give up." June replied.

The two continued to watch the battle, with Sentry and Vision giving Wonder Man hell. Every time it looked like Wonder Man would begin to have a comeback, one of them landed a hit on him and set up a whole new chain of attacks. It was honestly sort of sad to watch. Eventually, the three rocketed up into space and they couldn't be seen anymore. (Y/N) began to get antsy, so he flew to a nearby building and put down June.

"I'm going to go see if those guys are done yet. We need to hurry up." (Y/N) said before flying up after the three currently fighting. "How far did these assholes travel? I still haven't found them yet and I'm flying as fast as I can!"

Eventually, (Y/N) made it above Venus. That's how far the three had flown during their battle. Sentry slammed a double axe handle on Wonder Man's head, sending him flying down towards the planets surface. It caved in from the impact creating a huge crater. Being closer to the Sun than on Earth, Vision's solar stone had powered up, making his energy beams even more dangerous. Vision shot a laser from his forehead to try and decapitate Wonder Man, but the hero dodged at the last second. The laser ended up cutting a mountain in half instead, which then exploded, spilling magma all over the nearby area.

(Y/N) got a message from Superior Octopus on his communicator, and picked it up. "Yes Octavius? We're kind of in the middle of something right now!"

"Why the hell does the tracker say you're on Venus?"

Sentry was starting to go apeshit, with these tendrils of red and black energy lashing at Wonder Man. "YOU CANNOT DEFEAT THE VOID!"

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