The Death of Hawkeye

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[ Hawkeye POV ]

The two Barton brothers were both still, each with an arrow nocked in their bow. Trickshot was hiding behind a table, while Hawkeye stayed completely still. Clint's eyes were filled with rage, which brought a smile to Barney's face. He didn't care that he had just killed his brothers wife. That didn't matter to him at all. He just wanted to be the one to finish off Hawkeye for good. To prove he was the better of the two all along.

Clint had no thoughts. It was all instinct and adrenaline now. He was down on one knee, waiting for the moment his brother came up. Eventually, that time came. Trickshot rolled out from behind the table, sending the toxic arrow flying at his brothers neck. However, Hawkeye was faster. The moment Trickshot moved, Hawkeye shot his arrow in the direction that Barney would end up. Clint's arrow flew, splitting Barney's arrow in half along the way, before deeply lodging itself into his shoulder.

Trickshot growled in pain, trying to pull the arrow out of his shoulder, but Hawkeye charged, slamming his knee into his brothers face. Barney's nose was definitely broken, being smashed against his cheek. Hawkeye began pummeling his brother, slamming his fist into Trickshot's face over and over again.

Trickshot lifted his legs and kicked Hawkeye off of him, jumping back up to his feet. He grabbed his nose and snapped it back into place, before taking a fighting stance. Hawkeye grabbed his combat knife, swinging it at Barney's throat, but his brother grabbed his wrist and twisted. Clint dropped the knife and Trickshot caught it, attempting to stab him in the gut. Hawkeye moved to the side, narrowly avoiding the knife, before elbowing Barney in the face. Barney dropped the knife and backed away, picking his sword up from the ground. He jabbed the blade at Hawkeye, but the hero kicked the flat end, which opened his brother up for another swift punch to the face.

"I see you've still got it Clint... I'm glad. It wouldn't be fun otherwise." Trickshot said, before charging at Hawkeye with the sword. Hawkeye quickly nocked an arrow, shooting it at Trickshots hand. The arrow hit its mark, pinning Barney's hand to the wall. The sword clattered to the ground as Hawkeye approached slowly. Trickshot grunted, trying to rip the arrow out of the wall, but it just wouldn't come out.

"That's not going to work Barney. The arrow is barbed. You're stuck." Hawkeye said calmly, before charging and kicking Trickshot in the gut. Hydra's archer had nowhere to run, trapped against the wall as Hawkeye began to beat him to a pulp. Eventually, Hawkeye twisted the shaft of the arrow, disconnecting it from the arrowhead, making it easier to remove.

Barney collapsed to the floor, groaning in pain. He began to laugh shakily, between winces. "You're a lot better when you're angry, brother."

Hawkeye tried to calm himself down, to not let his emotions get the best of him again, but Trickshot continued to speak. "Come on Clint. Is that all you've got? You're pathetically weak. I just killed your wife and your friend, yet you won't do anything about it. I'm right here, defenseless in front of you. You're a coward Clint. You always have be-"

Before he could finish, Hawkeye snapped, grabbing Trickshot's sword off the floor. In one swift movement, Hawkeye plunging the blade into Trickshot's chest. Barney's eyes went wide for a moment before slacking again. He was dead.

"That... was for Bobbi." Hawkeye muttered, spitting on his brothers face. He stood up, looking up to the ceiling, and that's when the reality of the situation hit him. What had he done? Heroes don't kill. Losing people was part of the job. It was going to happen. It had already happened before, and yet, this time he couldn't hold himself back.

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