SIX: blush!

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"Yoongi, darling~" Hoseok cooed, squishing the boys chubby cheeks. "Wake up cutie,"

Yoongi's eyes fluttered open, seeing Hoseok hovering above him with a warm smile. He giggled. "Morning hobi.."

Hoseok pouted. "Aw, no yoonie this morning?"

Yoongi shook his head. "I wanna rest today.." he paused. "Little yoonie has played so much the past few days that my head hurts-" he explained, holding his head.

Hoseok frowned, kissing Yoongi's forehead. "I'm sorry baby, are you okay?"

Yoongi nodded, letting Hoseok pull him into his lap. "I'm fine,"

Hoseok hummed, kissing both of Yoongi's cheeks about 15 times each. "You're so adorable kitten.."

Yoongi blushed at the nickname, hugging onto Hoseok tightly.

"You know you're such a good boy right? All for me," Hoseok stated, rubbing Yoongi's back rather gently.

Yoongi's face was red, him just stuffing it in the fabric of Hoseok's shirt so that he wouldn't notice.

The praise was sending him to heaven.

Hoseok could feel how hot Yoongi's face had turned, making him chuckle. "You know that, right baby?"

Yoongi nodded, his face still hidden.

Hoseok pulled away from Yoongi, cupping his red tinted cheeks. "You're so beauti—"

"G-Gosh Hoseok are you trying to kill me-?" Yoongi yelped, pinning Hoseok to the bed and laying on top of him.

Hoseok laughed, holding Yoongi close. "No, of course not~"

Yoongi pouted, his face going down a shade of red. It was now a rather pinkish color.

He was still a bit flustered at all the compliments.

Hoseok poked Yoongi's cheek. "Yoongs," he paused, no answer. "Yooniee," no answer.

"Babyyy, please answer," he mumbled, ruffling Yoongi's hair.

"what," Yoongi murmured, a pout still placed on his lips.

Hoseok laughed, glancing down at Yoongi's face. "Are you seriously mad at me?" He questioned.

Yoongi huffed.

The boy looked funny, hugging Hoseok with flushed cheeks, yet his lips set in a big pout.

"Y-Yes," Yoongi muttered.

Hoseok frowned, sitting up and pulling Yoongi in his lap. "Why-?" He paused. "All I did was give you compliments,"

Yoongi blushed, looking down. "It makes my tummy feel funny.." he admit, resting his head on Hoseok's chest.

"Ah,I see." Hoseok mumbled. "So it gives you butterflies, huh?"

Yoongi hummed, Hoseok letting out a small chuckle.

"Cute," he murmured.

"S-Stop!" Yoongi exclaimed, crawling off of Hoseok and crossing his arms.

"Aish- okay, okay." Hoseok muttered. "Come on honey, don't you wanna be nice and clean today?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Seokie, I don't feel like taking a shower today.."

Hoseok held Yoongi's hands. "It's okay bub, it won't take long.."

Yoongi sighed, giving in. "Fine,"

A small smile grew across Hoseok's lips, him holding Yoongi's hand on the way to the bathroom.

"You want me to hop in with you?" Hoseok asked, helping Yoongi slip his shirt off.

"wh-what?" Yoongi asked, blushing.

"Hm? Its nothing bad, its just getting the job done quicker." Hoseok stated, reaching for Yoongi's pajama bottoms.


The two froze.

"I-I can take those off myself.." Yoongi mumbled, replacing Hoseok's hands with his own.

Hoseok nodded, turning away. "Right, I'm sorry.."

"Don't look.." Yoongi mumbled quietly,  pulling  them down, then turned around and looked in the mirror.

"H-Hoseok— I told you not to look!" He yelped,  noticing Hoseok had been sitting there waiting.

"Oh- Sorry..I-I didnt hear.." Hoseok mumbled, turning away.

Yoongi sighed. "Seok- you don't need to turn around, you've already seen everything now anyways.."

Hoseok noticed the weak sound in Yoongi's voice, him frowning. "Yoongi, I'm really sorry.."

Yoongi shrugged, keeping quiet.

"Yoons, what's the matter..?" Hoseok asked, hearing Yoongi sniffle quietly.

Hoseok sighed, turning around and pulling Yoongi into a hug. "Yoongi what's wrong, is it because of me?"

Yoongi shook his head, tears spilling from his eyes. "I-I just..d-don't like h-how I look, a-and now you've s-seen it and—" he choke on his tears, stuffing his face in Hoseok's thin shirt.

Hoseok didn't care that Yoongi's tears were soaking his shirt, he just wanted to be there to help and protect him.

Even if it meant he would lose a brand new shirt to tears. 

"Hey, listen're so beautiful, okay? There's so reason to be ashamed of your's really pretty." Hoseok explained, rocking Yoongi gently in his arms.

Yoongi blushed, wiping his tears. "Y-You really think so..?"

Hoseok gave Yoongi a big smile. "I know so."

Yoongi gave a small smile in return, sniffling.

"Now to make it fair, you want me to take a shower with you?" Hoseok asked, pinching Yoongi's cheek.

Yoongi shyly nodded. "B-But one thing,"

Hoseok hummed.

Yoongi booped Hoseok's nose. "N-No funny business. I-I just wanna get clean and then get out." He paused. "And then cuddle."

Hoseok chuckled. "Alright.."

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