TEN: i love you!

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TW: mentions of unconsensual sex
Skip if needed!!

Yoongi placed Holly on the bed, hearing the door being unlocked.

"stay here Holly, daddy ish home!" Yoongi exclaimed, kissing the dog on the head before waddling out into the living room.

Hoseok walked into the house, locking the door behind him. The boy looked- tired.. and uncomfortable.

His cheeks were stained in tears and his clothes were torn up and dirty.

The sight worried Yoongi, him slipping out of headspace.

"Hoseok-? Are you okay?!" Yoongi yelped, running to the boy and cupping his cheeks.

Hoseok kept his gaze at the floor, not daring to make eye contact with his boyfriend.

"Come on hobi, what's wrong? you know you can tell me anything.." Yoongi encouraged, him seeing tears coming to Hoseok's eyes.

"I was raped. I-I w-Was fucking r-raped Yoongi!" Hoseok exclaimed, bursting into tears and clinging to Yoongi almost instantly.

Yoongi was speechless, he just wrapped his arms around Hoseok and let the boy cry into his shoulder.

"Oh, Hoseok.." Yoongi finally mumbled, frowning.

"I-I understand I-If you d-don't want to be w-with me anymore I-I'm so s-sorr—"

"Hobi no no no, stop it." Yoongi stated, caressing Hoseok's cheek gently. "I would never leave you because of something like that.. now come on. Let's get you cleaned up.." he explained, wiping Hoseok's tears.

Hosoek sniffled, clutching Yoongi's hand and following after the shorter boy.

Yoongi turned on the faucet, water now spilling from the head. "Go ahead and undress, I'll leave cause I know you're uncomfortable.." he stated, standing on his tippy toes and leaning in to plant a kiss on Hoseok's lips.

Hoseok flinched, making Yoongi pull away. "Right..I'm sorry seokie." He mumbled, frowning and leaving the room.

Yoongi slid a towel, new clothes, and a wash rag from under the door and said a small 'I love you' from the other side.

Hoseok smiled to himself, picking up the supplies and placing them on the counter.

He then undressed himself, hopping in the shower.

Hoseok came out of the bathroom, putting his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and then sitting on the end of Yoongi's bed.


Hoseok hummed, looking over at Yoongi.

"Do you wanna talk  about it at all..? And maybe...cuddle?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok looked back down at the floor, nodding silently.

He crawled close to Yoongi, letting Yoongi snuggle up next to him.

Yoongi held Hoseok's hand, stroking it gently to comfort him. "Go ahead hobi, I'm listening." He stated, laying his head on Hoseok's shoulder.

Hoseok took a deep breath. "W-Well..I was coming home from work and decided to stop by the pharmacy store to get pain medicine for my headaches recently." He started, pausing. "And I have no clue how most of it happened..it all just went by so quick.." he mumbled.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean-?"

Hoseok sighed. "There was this girl-.. and she— ..she shoved me in some- supply room?" He explained. "And then- she got on top of me..I-I couldn't move..a-and she did so much.."

Yoongi frowned, hugging Hoseok closely. "Is my hobi okay..?"

Hoseok hummed. "I'm okay angel j-just..a little traumatized." He mumbled, looking down.

"I'm really sorry this happened to you seokie..I-I just want you to know that I love you so so so so soooo much.." Yoongi explained, placing a gentle kiss on Hoseok's cheek.

Hoseok smiled sadly, resting his head against Yoongi's. "I love you too Yoongi, so much. Thank you for taking care of me.."

"Of course Seok."


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