Cue the Obsessive Fangirl

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Nearly two weeks had passed since you had realized Diluc’s identity as the Darknight Hero. Since that day, once in a while you had accompanied Diluc on his fights to keep any enemies from entering or getting too close to Mondstadt. All the while, you had also helped Diluc keep up with the secrecy of being the Darknight Hero by fighting in his place when he needed an alibi to hide his identity.

Within that short time, the two of you had grown closer together to the point where you could be mistaken as someone who had been his partner for years when it had only been two weeks that the two of you had worked together. Once, Diluc even taught you the ropes of how things at Dawn Winery worked and after that, you had started helping him with his business. 

The relationship between the two of you had grown so close that he even offered to let you stay at his mansion as a thanks for helping him.

“Diluc,” you showed him a paper that you had been going over. “I think you might have to address this issue soon. If you were to leave it as is, you may lose a lot of supporters.”

You were currently sitting across from him at his desk assisting him with various papers that he needed to go over. Since you were a fast learner and Diluc seemed to be troubled over recent issues that have been weirdly popping up, you offered to help him.

“Apparently people have been requesting for a wine festival,” you continued on while Diluc looked at the paper that you handed to him. “It’s been nearly 5 years since the last festival the Winery put on. If you don’t do one soon, people’s frustrations might come apparent.”

“It was a tradition when my father was alive,” Diluc explained to you with a melancholy look on his face. “He used to put up a festival once every year for wine tasting here at the mansion.”

“I know it might be hard on you to bring it back after all of that but, I think it would be nice to bring back your father’s legacy,” you placed your hand over his shoulder.

Even though Diluc made it seem like his father’s death was not much of an issue, after spending some time with the “emotionless” Master Diluc, it was clear to you that he was simply accustomed to hiding his true feelings - not too different from yourself. Really thinking about it and reflecting on things, you thought it would be nice to bring back the festival as an outlet for Diluc to let out his anguish after his father died. That is why you decided to try and give him a little push to bring it back.

“Do you want to see the festival?” Diluc asked you.

You grinned at him, “Yup! It would really be something nice to see.”

“Sure,” Diluc replied after a moment of hesitation. “I guess we can bring back the Wine Festival.”

“Really!” Your eyes sparkled with excitement.

Diluc returned a small smile, “Yeah. But first, let’s go to the city. I need to talk to some people about it”

Grabbing his jacket and putting it on, Diluc started walking towards the door with you quickly following. Thankfully, you had grown accustomed to his usual fast pace and now, following him was no problem.

“Okay,” you nodded.


Soon, the two of you made it to the city after teleporting there through a teleport waypoint - a very efficient way of travel.

You smiled to yourself as you looked around the city. Despite only staying in Mondstadt for a few weeks, you had come to know the city as a new home. It was a place that you felt comfortable. There was an air of hominess that you had never felt before and because of that feeling, you never wanted to leave.

“-n. Y/n,” you suddenly heard a voice calling out your name. 

“Sorry Diluc,” you chuckled. “I got lost in my own thoughts.”

“I need to take care of some business,” Diluc explained as he stopped in front of a building. “I’ll come back soon so just wait for me.”


Diluc left you standing outside while he entered the building. Yawning and stretching your arms, you leaned on the wall and closed your eyes hoping to pass some time. However, before you could even properly relax, you felt intense rage in front of you which made you immediately open your eyes.

“How did you get so close to Master Diluc,” a girl in twin-tails glared at you. “Why are you so close to my dearest Master Diluc?”

“Your dearest what?” You tilted your head in question.

“Why are you so close to Master Diluc,” the girl repeated, only this time, she raised her voice a bit more.

“I don’t really get the issue,” you sighed and stood up. “If you’re so mad at me for getting so close to Diluc, why don’t you just take the initiative and try and grow closer to him yourself.”

The girl gaped at you speechlessly before crossing her arms and giving you a scowl. “Don’t you get it. Master Diluc’s true handsomeness shines when he’s alone. The aloof air around him, the quiet independence, the cold stares. Stop ruining the perfect picture of Master Diluc by following him around like a dog.”


“Who are you calling a dog,” a voice suddenly cut you off.

Looking behind you, it was none other than Diluc who had spoken in your place. Arms crossed and eyes blazing coldly, Diluc straightened his posture and glared at the girl who had been complaining to you.

“M-Master Diluc,” the girl suddenly stammered while a blush was forming on her cheeks. “I- no one.”

Before either of you could even say anything, the girl had run off to who knows where.

“Did she bother you?” Diluc asked you, concern filling his eyes. “Did anything happen?”

You gave a small smile, a smile that had a mysterious and fleeting air about it, “Nothing really.”

“Are you sure,” Diluc asked again, not buying your answer. “What did she say?”

“If you're asking me that, I guess I can say that you didn’t hear the conversation,” you twisted the subject a bit.

“All I heard was something about a dog,” Diluc answered you. “But based on what I could see, it seemed like that statement was directed towards you.”

“Well, it didn’t bother me,” you started walking in front of him. “Though the conversation is a secret that you don’t need to know about.”

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