Guilty Consciousness

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When Diluc had left the office in the Headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, he was beyond angry. No, he wasn't angry at y/n rather, he was angry at himself for deciding to trust y/n. 

Why was it that he felt at home around you? Why is it that he felt comfortable around you? It was like the walls that he had built up to keep his heart from feeling any more pain started crumbling down whenever he was around you. 

Quickly going to a teleport waypoint, he teleported to the Dawn Winery in hopes that more distance would lessen the feeling of guilt that seemed to be burdening his heart at the current moment. He opened the door of the mansion and walked towards his office. Slumping on his head, he massaged his forehead.

"To think I was so gullible to fall for your tricks," Diluc muttered to himself with his hand over his heart.

There was an unfamiliar pain that was hurting him, a pain that he had never felt before. Even when his father died, he had only felt feelings of sadness and a need for revenge. This heartache was something completely new to him. 


The butler ended his sentence the moment that Diluc walked past him. Completely ignored by the master of the house, the butler bowed his head walked away in silence. It was unusual to see Diluc so obviously ignore any of the servants so the moment that this had happened, the butler had known that something was wrong. 

Diluc headed towards his room and closed the door, leaning his head against it. Tired and confused, Diluc lay to rest in his own thoughts.

What should he do? 

Why did he feel so horrible guilty and and fault?

It was all too troublesome to deal with and he hated it.


Lumine brought you along with her and Paimon as you were searching for a Fatui envoy in hopes to get Jean back.

You had surrendered without without fight and silently followed Lumine. This was the reckoning that you believed you had to pay for running away like a coward.

Despite willingly surrendering, you were still terrified and half your mind was telling you to run, run away to a place far, far away where the Tsaritsa would never find you. You knew without a doubt that the mastermind of this was the Tsaritsa herself. After all, you were her little pet. A pet that she had raised as a child and groomed to be a loyal little servant underneath her throne. A terrifying master she was and that was the reason you ran.

You tried to escape her clutches and this was where things had led. It had led to the consequence of new found acquaintances suffering the consequences that you should be suffering. The guilt of all this was very much overbearing.

“I’m sorry,” you listlessly murmured.

“I’m sure you had a reason why you ran away,” Lumine smiled as she tried to understand you.

Your heart pounded in fear as you saw the Fatui envoys talking in the distance. Each step you made signed you closer to  your death sentence.

Even though they were not the Tsaritsa, you still felt the fear because of their strong loyalty to her. Over time after experiencing her power and her cruelty, you came to hate her. She was a tyrant who wanted all the power no matter what. The trauma that you had gained from her had such a large impact on you that simply seeing anyone under her made you shiver in fear.

That was the Tsaritsa to you.

"How bad was it?" Lumine stopped abruptly 

"What do you mean?" You questioned.

She gave you a sympathetic look, "How bad was it when you were in Snezhnaya that you had to run away to Mondstat."

Your heart dropped at that question. You immediately thought back to the moments when the Tsaritsa had trained you. The times that you had made a mistake or a technique wasn’t perfected, you would be beaten until it was perfected. The bruises and scars still left a mark. Though, the largest scars were those in your mind and heart. The psychological scars were unthinkable.

“It was horrible,” you shuddered, just thinking about it.

“I’m sorry,” Lumine started walking once again. “If there was something that I could do I would but, if this would lead to a bloodless I’d rather choose this option.”

“You don’t need to feel guilty." You replied. "This is the result of my actions and my actions alone."

"Y/n," Paimon murmured sorrowly. "I never knew that it was so hard on you. You must be suffering so much."

After Paimon's comment, silence overcame the three of you. It had gotten a little too dark for the situation or maybe, the feeling of sorrow was just the perfect feeling to show how it felt for you inside your heart at the moment. Letting out a deep breath, you closed your eyes before slowly reopening them to reveal emotionless and cold eyes that would make anyone who saw it shiver in fear.

A facade of coldness had been one of the first things that the Tsaritsa had taught you and one of the main things that she and ever other Fatui would expect from you. She had taught you to bury your feelings deep down to a place that can never be reached since your feelings would be the main thing that would hold you back. It would weigh you down and make you weak.

"Y/n?" Paimon stuttered as she looked at you.

The aura around you was freezing cold and you emitted a deadly look. It was no surprise that Paimon looked scared of you at the moment.

It hurt you to see her face contorted in fear. However, this was the only choice you had. You were leaving to return to Snezhnaya. You needed the practice and anyways, if any of the Fatui that were staying here were to see you with an emotional face, you were pretty sure that they would report it to the Tsaritsa. It wasn't something that you would risk.

"Lady y/n!" A female Fatui had called out once she noticed you.

Quickly hearing your name, the other Fatui delegates around the area walked up to you and kneeled on one knee.

"Lady y/n, we greet you, daughter of the Tsaritsa!"

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