Fate's Obstacles

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You, Childe, and Scaramouche stared at each other, each of you planning and calculating the different possibilities of the battle. Brandishing your spear, you tightened your hold on it. This battle, this battle would be the thing that would determine the rest of your fate.

Whether you were ready or not was a question that you couldn't answer. Rather, you had to battle. 

"Y/n," Scaramouche brought out his catalyst, a small frown of displeasure marking his face. "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

Nodding, you twirled your spear in anticipation and properly positioned yourself. Childe who was quietly watching you backed away with his bow in hand while Scaramouche eyed you to see what you would do.

Outnumbered by two people who were generally more powerful than you, you needed to play this game carefully. Mistakes could lead to your ultimate defeat. Slowly walking around, circling the room, it was a battle of decision. The question is who would attack first.

Jabbing your spear forward at Scaramouche, he quickly reacted by summoning an electro-powered wall that crackled from energy. Your spear which was covered in your cryo energy met his shield and an elemental reaction of superconduct pushed both of you back. Looking up in the nick of time, an arrow blew past you. 

Instinctively, you backflipped to the side at the moment that that arrow was about to hit your cheek. Once again, you jabbed your spear towards Scaramouche but quickly added a horizontal slash that nearly hit him by a millimeter.

Scaramouche summoned a circle of lighting around him and threw orbs at you. Running with your spear at your side, you dodged each of the orbs and the few arrows that flew at you. As soon as the orbs stopped coming, Childe attacked you with his water blades. Slashing at you, you blocked it with your spear. All the while, Scaramouche summoned more orbs and since you were distracted by Childe, all of his attacks hit you.

A cloud of smoke appearing, you spun your spear and the smoke dissipated. Ignoring the pain from the earlier attacks that hit you, you pushed yourself forward and arched your spear at an unexpected Childe who was thrown back a few inches. Twisting your heel, you ran towards Scaramouche and propelled yourself forward before twisting your wrist and letting out a snowflake-like blast of cryo energy. 

Fortunately, Scaramouche got hit and backed away from you. Letting out a breath of relief, you steadied yourself once again in preparation for the next round. This time Childe attacked you with his hydro spear which connected with your own spear. Slashes of hydro and cryo met, creating a whirlpool of attacks. Too fast for an untrained eye to catch and process, the two of you continued with your barrage of attacks. 

One slash upward. Another downward. And a back jab with the end of your spear.

Right at the moment where you had backed away to dodge one of his attacks, Childe immediately brought out his delusion power and changed to his 1st form and in a flash of lightning, appeared right in front of you. Through instinct alone, you moved your head back and his spear narrowly missed your chin.

You clicked your tongue and brought out your own delusion. However, before you could activate that power, Scaramouche ran at you and attacked you with a blast of a dimension cutting electro energy. Purple cuts filled the area and stayed in place to create a trap to slow your movements.

It was clear to anyone and everyone that the situation wasn't in your favor.

Childe appeared behind you, his mask covering his face and slashed your back.

“Argh!” you leaned on your spear from the pain from Childe’s attack.

“Y/n!” Lumine and Diluc both shouted after seeing you get attacked.

Looking up, you looked straight at the Tsaritsa who watched the battle with disinterest. Biting your lip, you tried your best to ignore the blooming pain and stood up straight once again. Your ears were ringing from the electro power from Childe’s attack but, it was bearable. You just couldn’t give up, not yet.

Hand outstretched, you turned into your 1st delusion form. A very light blue mask covering the top half of your face appeared and a cyan patterned kimono-like dress flowed down your back and covered your arms. White knee-high boots and a short sky blue dress decorated with small pearl-like droplets of water danced around you before fully appearing. Long hair braided down with pearls, you looked like a goddess from another world. Two swords designed with ocean waves on the hilt appeared in front of you before you grasped them.

Swords in hands, you ran forward towards Childe and attacked him with a full blast of hydro power. Countering this, Childe disappeared into lighting. Scaramouche who had also turned into his delusion form attacked you with a much stronger version of the electro attacks that he had hit you with earlier. 

Unlike you and the other Harbinger’s the delusion strengthed Scaramouche’s electro power rather than changing his element. This was due to him being the prototype puppet that Ei, the electro archon had created. So now, it was a battle of electro versus hydro.

Summoning waves behind you, you crossed your blades before slashing them downwards to motion for the waves to attack your two opponents. Scaramouche summoned an electro barrier to cover him and Childe and as soon as your waves disappeared, Childe ran forward and attacked you leaving an electro mark on you for both him and Scaramouche to utilize. Scaramouche summoned portals towards the ceiling of the throneroom and from those portals appeared lighting strikes that didn’t seem to stop. 

Summoning a shield of water to surround you, you tried your best to avoid those strikes of lighting and the moment you came in front of Scaramouche, your attacks cascaded at him. Slash after slash, you didn’t relent. Seeing his, Childe ran towards the two of you and brought out his spear to stab you.

“Enough!” the Tsaritsa stood up from her throne. “I have seen enough.”

As soon as she had said that, the three of you froze in place and released your delusion power. Both you and Childe falling to the ground in exhaustion, Scaramouche knelt on his knee and bowed his head. Follow his actions, both you and Childe ignored the aching from your bodies and knelt as well.

“Y/n,” the Tsaritsa announced while holding her hand out. “You have shown me your resolve. In face of this, leave Snezhnaya. Turn away from the Fatui, you no longer have your title of the shadow 12th Harbinger.”

You felt the usual power of the delusion leaving you as the delusion artifact you carried flew from you and into the Tsaritsa’s hand.

The moment that the power had left you, you could feel yourself suffocating. Holding your neck, you fell to the ground as your vision turned dark.


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