Onwards to Snezhnaya

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"Y/N!" Diluc had shouted, huffing as he tried to collect his breath from chasing after you.

Dawn, the falcon cawed loudly as his owner looked up to you. Flapping her wings to take off, Dawn flew to Diluc before landing on his arm.

“Why did you get close to me?” Diluc asked you. “Were those moments that we spent together a lie?”

Your voice breaking when you saw his face contorted with emotions, you could bring yourself to say anything. The look in his eyes was so different, so special, that you could feel the pain flowing through you too. You could tell his anguish from learning that you were his greatest enemy yet also currently his partner and maybe even friend.

“Were those times a lie?” Diluc repeated.

Shaking your head, you gave a heartbreaking smile, “No. I genuinely enjoyed it. They were memorable. You were the greatest thing that happened to me and I mean it.”

“Lady y/n,” one of the Fatui who had accompanied you interrupted the moment. “We should go now before the waypoint closes.”

Looking back at Diluc again, you mouthed, “Thank you for everything.”

Holding his hand out as if trying to grab your wrist to stop you from leaving, Diluc shouted once more, “Wait!”

Soon enough, you disappeared into the familiar light particles after teleporting and Diluc was left alone there with Dawn. Clenching his fist, anger coursed through him. There were still other things that he needed to know. He needed to know your story. He needed to know why you looked so hesitant to return to your homeland Snezhnaya.

And most of all, he needed to know what you had just mouthed to him. 

Diluc walked up to the waypoint and set it to Snezhnaya. It was the only lead he got. This may just be the most reckless thing that he had ever done. But, he had a reason. He still needed to know things, he needed the context of the situation.

“Master Diluc!” Lumine waved her hand while running up to the waypoint where Diluc was waiting. “Please wait!”

“Miss Lumine?” Diluc questioned. “What are you doing?”

“Let me come with you,” Lumine demanded. 

“What about Jean?” Diluc wondered. “Isn’t the whole reason why y/n is leaving with the Fatui to have them release Jean.”

“Paimon’s with her,” Lumine replied. “She’s doing fine and anyways, they already got warned by y/n not to do anything.”

“It’s dangerous,” Diluc narrowed his eyes, still trying to talk Lumine into not accompanying him. “I have no doubt you’re strong, but we’re going to Snezhnaya and we may have to face the Harbingers as well as the Tsaritsa herself.”

“I’ve already faced a Harbinger,” Lumine retorted with a smug look on her face. “And an archon as well. I’m sure I’m experienced enough. And anyways, it’s better to have at least one person have your back, especially someone who knows a Harbinger that could maybe help us. I want to rescue y/n too. She looked so pained when she returned with the Fatui diplomats. I can’t stand it when I see someone looking like that.”

“Fine,” Diluc hesitantly agreed.

The two of them started the waypoint to Snezhnaya, specifically, the closest one to the palace of the Tsaritsa. Within a few seconds, the two of them suddenly appeared in the freezing nation that was ruled by the Cryo Archon.

“Achoo,” Lumine sneezed as soon as the cold wind hit her.

She shivered from the freezing air as her arms quickly started to grow numb as she was only wearing a dress. The weather in Snezhnaya was similar to the weather in Dragonspine called Sheer Cold and she hated it with a passion. It was undoubtedly a beautiful place. The only thing was that it was far too cold for those who weren’t accustomed to it.

Diluc looked at Lumine who was growing pale from the cold of Snezhnaya. Using his vision to summon a flame, he nodded to Lumine who warmed herself by Diluc’s fire.

“Thank you,” Lumine gratefully replied.

“It’s no problem. Once you’re warmed up, tell me so that we can get going.”

After a few minutes of Lumine warming up, she told Diluc that she was better and was ready to start going through Snezhnaya. The two headed onwards to the palace where the Tsaritsa was staying.

The closer the two made it to the palace, the colder it got. The blizzard covered the snow white palace increasing the Sheer Cold effects that were growing for for two of them. Diluc summoned his flame once more but even that wasn't enough to keep the two from feeling the freezing cold.

"Almost there," Lumine huffed, expending all of her energy to push through the strong blizzard pushing them back.

Nearly two minutes had passed when the two finally made it past the scarily cold blizzard covering the palace. Like a barrier protecting the castle, the moment they had made it past the blizzard, it calmed and wasn't as pressuring. The cold air still lingered but compared to the blizzard that they had just passed through, it was nothing.

"Woah," Lumine looked at the large and elegant palace in awe.

In front of them stood a snow white castle, glimmering with the reflection of the sun on the ice. A gradient of blue ice stood out against the white at the very bottom of the castle shining like a kaleidoscope. Icicles rested on the roof of the palace, various sizes framing it. White flowers bloomed on the path towards the entrance of the castle.

"Let's get going," Diluc started walking to the palace after inspecting the area.

"Where do you think she's being kept?" Lumine wondered.

"Most likely maybe the throne room where the Tsaritsa would be seeing as it was here who would want her back."

"Where do you think it is?" Lumine asked.

"One of my sources gave me a map," Diluc brought it out.

Lumine looked over his broad shoulders to get a look at the map that he had opened. Circled in red, the throne room wasn't too far from where the two of them were.

Immediately, Diluc put his map away into his coat and brought out his claymore, Lumine following him. They had heard footsteps on top of the snow coming closer to them and the immediately put up their guard not knowing who it would be.

"Lumine?" A male voice called out.

Standing in front of Diluc and Lumine stood a tall orange haired man with a mask on the side of his head.

"Childe?" Lumine asked. "What are you doing here?"

"That should be my question comrade," Childe grinned. "Or could it be because you came to see me."

"Stop calling me comrade," Lumine deadpanned. "And no way am I here to see you."

"So why are you here then?" Childe said with a serious tone.

"To rescue y/n," Diluc replied bluntly.

“Y/n?” Childe questioned. “She's back?”

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